NOTE: This list can be modified (except item #4) to work with any language. I created this list because we have a large Hispanic population in my school.
1. Create a comic strip in Spanish- list of choices HERE
2. Create a Menu for a Restaurant- it doesn't matter what type of restaurant, the menu is all in Spanish; MS Word templates can be found HERE or HERE for Google Docs.
3. Create a Newspaper- students can make it a local newspaper or one from their native country; MS Word templates can be found HERE or HERE for Google Docs.
4. C.S.I.: The Experience-Web Adventures- students solve forensic cases in Spanish
5. Fakebook- recently redesigned, this looks just like Facebook; students create accounts about famous Hispanic people
Fakebook: 90 second tutorial from History Teacher on Vimeo.
6. Glogster- create a poster in Spanish about their native country
7. Pinterest- create a board of links to information about their native country
1. Create a comic strip in Spanish- list of choices HERE
2. Create a Menu for a Restaurant- it doesn't matter what type of restaurant, the menu is all in Spanish; MS Word templates can be found HERE or HERE for Google Docs.
3. Create a Newspaper- students can make it a local newspaper or one from their native country; MS Word templates can be found HERE or HERE for Google Docs.
4. C.S.I.: The Experience-Web Adventures- students solve forensic cases in Spanish
5. Fakebook- recently redesigned, this looks just like Facebook; students create accounts about famous Hispanic people
Fakebook: 90 second tutorial from History Teacher on Vimeo.
6. Glogster- create a poster in Spanish about their native country
7. Pinterest- create a board of links to information about their native country