I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I love templates! They set the framework for your project and they take away a lot of the prep work. Save time. Use templates. Edit some or all of the template. Check out the section at the bottom on Social Media Fake Templates!
UPDATED 4/3/20
Award and Certificate Templates
123 Certificates- 3 easy steps
Brain Betty-includes a "make your own" template
Certificates 4 Teachers- from Teacher Planet
CertificateMaker-choose from a template and design online!
Certificates-from ABC Teach
Certificates and Memories- from the "Never Tardy" to "Good Behavior" certificates
Citizenship Award Certificates
Education World
Educational Award Certificates
Freeology.com- "Good Attitude", "Great Idea", "Student of the Month"
Fun Awards- unique names including "The Carpe Diem Award" for making the most of every day
Internet 4 Teachers
Jan Brett's Certificates & Awards- for elementary teachers
Microsoft Templates
Most Improved Student Certificate
School Express Online Award Creator
Sports Certificate Template
Student of the Month Certificates
Success Certificates- student awards, sports awards and more
Teachervision Awards and Certificates
Back to School Templates
Back to School Brochure Template- to give to parents
Back to School Theme Unit- various worksheets, postcards, desk tags and forms
Education World Back to School Templates
Free Back to School PowerPoint Templates- nice designs
Free Digital Back to School Templates- put students' pictures in these beautiful frames
How to Write a Back to School Letter to Parents- from Teach-nology
Microsoft- academic calendar, multiplication table, flash cards, periodic table, classroom expectations
School Calendar Templates
Teach-nology- class rules, seating arrangements, bulletin board characters, back to school helpers, name tags, classroom signs, teaching theme signs etc.
Welcome to Back to School Night Template- for younger kids
Blog Templates (WordPress and Blogger have their own themes)
50+ Best Free Responsive WordPress Themes 2016- from Colorlib
65 Best Free Blogger Templates 2016
Free Blogger Templates for Your Blog
Get Your Designer-Made Template
Gooyaabi Templates- free blogger templates
Teacher Blog Templates- $$$
WordPress Themes- from WordPress.org
ABC Teach
Book Report Forms- from the Busy Teacher's Cafe
Book Report Rubric
Book Report Sandwich Station- from Scholastic; ingredients represent parts of the book report
Book Review Sheet
Collection of Book Report Ideas- 109 on the list so far
A Dozen Book Report Templates
EdHelper- different types: biography book report, general book report, nonfiction book report
Free High School Book Report Template
Special Subject Book Report Forms- includes Holocaust, animal fiction, folklore
Bookmark Templates
123 Certificates- create your custom bookmark online from scratch; just input information
Activity Village- seasonal, animal, coloring, dinosaur, doodling bookmarks
formats (2.7", 2.8")
Bookmark Templates- Pinterest board has many creative ideas!
Eco-Friendly Bookmarks- the 2 files are for Adobe Illustrator®
Library Bookmark Template- for elementary students
Canva- create stunning brochures with this wonderful site
Free Tri-Fold Brochure Design- Adobe Photoshop® download
Lady Printing Brochure Templates- download in the following formats:

Office.com Brochure Templates- 8 tri-fold brochures
PSD Tri-Fold Mockup Template- you need to sign up (take the FREE account)
Calendar Templates
Calendar Labs
Canva- beautiful free designs!!
Make Your Own Photo Calendar
Printable Calendar Hub- 2017 monthly calendars
Printable Calendar Templates
Vertex42- loads of choices
WinCalendar- loads of Word and Excel calendar templates
Classroom Management Templates and Forms
Behavior Management Forms- from Teachervision
Bookmark Calendar- 2011
Classroom Helpers- from ABC Teach
Classroom Forms- very extensive listing includes passes, lesson plan, parent-teacher conference forms, behavior management forms
Classroom Forms for 1st Grade- Mrs. Perkins' list includes ABC cut-out flash cards, calendars, 100s chart
Classroom Management Forms- covers K-12
Classroom Organization -templates for kindergarten, including book basket labels, center rules, large center signs
Classroom Organizer Templates- miscellaneous items include monthly planning guide, syllabus
Classroom Seating Chart- from Microsoft.com
Class Set-up Tool- interactive program allows you to design your classroom; from Scholastic
Education World- parent-teacher communication
Keyboard Template- great for tech teachers
Microsoft Templates
Templates/Resources- covers elementary, middle and high school; nice size list
Google Slides, Docs, Sheets
50 Time-Saving Google Docs Templates-mainly spreadsheets, also documents, business cards
Google Docs Template Gallery: Students and Teachers
Professional Resume Templates for Google Docs- VisualCV Resume Builder
Slides Carnival- Google Slides templates; available in 8 different categories
Lesson Plan Templates
Elementary and Secondary Lesson Plan Template- from UCLA's Teacher Educator Program
K12 Reader Lesson Plan Templates- K-12 samples
Madeline Hunter Lesson Plan Template- from TeAchnology
Microsoft Lesson Plan Templates- a few to choose from
Teacher Planet Lesson Plan Templates- browse by subject or grade level
Monthly Newsletter Templates
15 Free Microsoft Word Newsletter Templates for Teachers and School- a few can be used for middle/high school; most for elementary
Document Templates- one out these three can be used for middle/high school (MS Word format)
Google Docs Template Gallery
Kindergarten Newsletters
Monthly News Templates- from Teacher Files
Newsletter Template Free- Pinterest board
Parent Newsletter Templates- from Education World; for elementary teachers
Newspaper Templates
Free Newspaper Pack for Word
Google Docs Template Gallery- sorted by highest rating
Newspaper Template- although it is only one page, it is one of the best templates you will find
Permission Slip Templates
35 Permission Slip Templates- covers field trips, consent forms
Extra-Curricular Activity Parent Permission Slip
Field Trip Permission Slip- for MS Word
Forms for the Classroom- many different choices
Record-Keeping Template- from Scholastic
PowerPoint Templates
Free Backgrounds for PowerPoint- themes
Graphicsland PowerPoint Templates
Teacher Templates for PowerPoint- Vicki Blackwell
Resume Templates
Social Media Templates
Fake Facebook Page Templates
Facebook in the Cloud Project- sample from English teacher's project on the book "The Outsiders"
J.F.K. Facebook Template- download the PowerPoint file and edit the information
Facebook in the Cloud Project- sample from English teacher's project on the book "The Outsiders"
J.F.K. Facebook Template- download the PowerPoint file and edit the information
Facebook Template Page- from TES Connect
Fakebook- from Class Tools
Fakebook Template for Google Slides- click "use this template" to edit the file
Fakebook- from Class Tools
Fakebook Template for Google Slides- click "use this template" to edit the file
Historical Figure Facebook Page- free download
Fake Twitter Page Templates
Choose a Fake Twitter Template- everything is editable! Students will learn about a literary or historical figure while having fun!
Choose a Fake Twitter Template- everything is editable! Students will learn about a literary or historical figure while having fun!
Twister- easy for students to use; from Class Tools
Twitter Template- MS Word template looks the least like the real thing
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