This page is constantly evolving. The recent "fake news" explosion prompted me to put all resources in one spot for our students. This megalist has all they need to write their research papers and properly evaluate websites. Some areas do overlap, such as FAKE NEWS and WEBSITE EVALUATION, but they are all in one spot. Bookmark it.
UPDATED: 4/18/17
Bibomatic- for books only; enter the ISBN number of a book for the citation
Citation Generator
Citation Fox for APA
Citation Generator
Citation Fox for APA
GoBiblio- free bibliography and citation generator
KnightCite- enter the information in the blank fields and your citation is generated; covers MLA, APA, Chicago
KnightCite- enter the information in the blank fields and your citation is generated; covers MLA, APA, Chicago
Son of Citation Machine- for APA, MLA, Chicago, Turabian formats
Zotero*- keep all your research in one spot
The Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Media
Literacy Education- assists teachers in fair use doctrine; from the Center for Social Media
Zotero*- keep all your research in one spot

The Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Media
Literacy Education- assists teachers in fair use doctrine; from the Center for Social Media
Copyright Advisory Network- "a way for librarians to learn about copyright and seek feedback and advice from fellow librarians and copyright specialists"
Copyright Basics- from Copyright Kids!
Copyright and Fair Use Guidelines for Teachers- PDF document
Creative Commons- various sharing methods explained
Cyberbee- cute interactive for grades 4-9
Fair Use Evaluator- "understand how to determine the "fairness" of a use under the U.S. Copyright Code."
Fair Use Wiki- the fair use clause explained
Taking the Mystery Out of Copyright- from the Library of Congress; interactive for kids in grades 4-8
Teaching Copyright- Five 60-minute lessons
TeachersFirst Copyright and Fair Use Resources
United States Copyright Office- search records, register works
What is Copyright?- wiki managed by by teacher Mary Beth Hertz
4 Steps Schools Need to Take To Combat Fake News- Huffington Post
5 Ways to Spot Fake News- from Common Sense Media
The 5 Types of Fakes News- from Huffington Post
6 Ways to Spot Fake News- from Snopes
10 Ways to Spot a Fake News Article- from EasyBib
The Classroom Where Fake News Fails- from NPR
Fake News Fooling Millions- from Scholastic's Up Front Magazine
Fake News Sites to Watch Out For on Facebook
Fighting Fake News- American Libraries
Google and Facebook Take Aim at Fake News Sites- N.Y. Times
Higher Ed Takes on Fake News Epidemic- from Education Dive
How Photos Fuel the Spread of Fake News
How Savvy Are Your Students? 7 Fake Websites to Really Test Their Evaluation Skills-EasyBib
How to Spot Fake News (and Teach Kids to Be Media Sayvy)- Common Sense Media
Most Students Don't Know When News is Fake, Stanford Study Finds- Wall Street Journal
A News Literacy Tool Kit for a "Post Truth" World- Joyce Valenza's blog
The Real History of Fake News- from The Columbia Journalism Review
The Smell Test: Educators Can Counter Fake New with Information Literacy- SLJ
Students Need Our Help Detecting Fake News- from MiddleWeb
Three Historical Examples of "Fake News"- Scientific American
What are You Doing to Teach Students to Spot Fake News Stories?- by Bill Ferriter
What Stands Between Fake News and Students? Educators- from NEA
Checklist for Evaluating Web Resources
Credible Sources Count- view a 10-minute interactive tutorial about how to find sites you can trust. EXCELLENT!
EasyBib Website Evaluation Guide
Finding Reliable Information Online- slide presentation from middle school teacher Sean Hinger
How Savvy are Your Students? 7 Fake Websites to Really Test Their Evaluation Skills- EasyBib
*Kathy Schrock
*The 5 W's of Website Evaluation
*Critical Evaluation of a Website- high School
*Critical Evaluation of a Website- middle school
*Critical Evaluation of a Website- elementary school
Ten Questions for Fake News Detection- infographic checklist
University of Berkeley Library- an excellent tutorial on finding information on the Internet
Website Evaluation Guide- from EasyBib

Brain Pop: Fact and Opinion- interactive fun for the younger kids
Evaluating Sources in a 'Post-Truth' World: Ideas for Teaching About Fake News- NY Times Lessons
Fake News vs. Real News: Determining the Reliability of Sources- NY Times Learning Network
Fighting Fake News- includes Common Core standards
"He Said, She Said"-Reliable Sources- from School Journalism site
Hoax or No Hoax? Strategies for Online Comprehension and Evaluation- from ReadWriteThink; grades 9-12
Hoax? Scholarly Research? Personal Opinion? You Decide- lesson for high schoolers
How to Teach Your Students About Fake News- from PBS NewsHour; grades 7-9
I Heard it 'Round the Internet: Sexual Health Education & Authenticating Online Information- grades 7-9
Media Literacy and Fake News- from C-SPAN; grade not specified, but probably 9-12
Why Citations Matter: A Lesson in Preventing Alternative Facts- from EasyBib
FactCheck- project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center
Fake News Sites to Watch Out For on Facebook-
Fake News Watch- updates regularly; lists Fake/Hoax Websites, Satire Websites and Clickbait Websites.
Politifact- checking U.S. politics
Museum of Hoaxes- bogus web sites from A to Z
News Literacy Project- assists students in discerning real vs. fake news
Snopes- fact-checking site
Plagiarism Tutorial- information and 2 quizzes to check your knowledge; from the University of Southern Mississippi
Successful vs. Unsuccessful Paraphrasing- many examples are shown to explain the best way to paraphrase a paragraph
Types of Plagiarism
Copyright Basics- from Copyright Kids!
Copyright and Fair Use Guidelines for Teachers- PDF document
Creative Commons- various sharing methods explained
Cyberbee- cute interactive for grades 4-9
Fair Use Evaluator- "understand how to determine the "fairness" of a use under the U.S. Copyright Code."
Fair Use Wiki- the fair use clause explained
Taking the Mystery Out of Copyright- from the Library of Congress; interactive for kids in grades 4-8
Teaching Copyright- Five 60-minute lessons
TeachersFirst Copyright and Fair Use Resources
United States Copyright Office- search records, register works
What is Copyright?- wiki managed by by teacher Mary Beth Hertz
4 Steps Schools Need to Take To Combat Fake News- Huffington Post
5 Ways to Spot Fake News- from Common Sense Media
The 5 Types of Fakes News- from Huffington Post
6 Ways to Spot Fake News- from Snopes
10 Ways to Spot a Fake News Article- from EasyBib
The Classroom Where Fake News Fails- from NPR
Fake News Fooling Millions- from Scholastic's Up Front Magazine
Fake News Sites to Watch Out For on Facebook
Fighting Fake News- American Libraries
Google and Facebook Take Aim at Fake News Sites- N.Y. Times
Higher Ed Takes on Fake News Epidemic- from Education Dive
How Photos Fuel the Spread of Fake News
How Savvy Are Your Students? 7 Fake Websites to Really Test Their Evaluation Skills-EasyBib
How to Spot Fake News (and Teach Kids to Be Media Sayvy)- Common Sense Media
Most Students Don't Know When News is Fake, Stanford Study Finds- Wall Street Journal
A News Literacy Tool Kit for a "Post Truth" World- Joyce Valenza's blog
The Real History of Fake News- from The Columbia Journalism Review
The Smell Test: Educators Can Counter Fake New with Information Literacy- SLJ
Students Need Our Help Detecting Fake News- from MiddleWeb
Three Historical Examples of "Fake News"- Scientific American
What are You Doing to Teach Students to Spot Fake News Stories?- by Bill Ferriter
What Stands Between Fake News and Students? Educators- from NEA
Checklist for Evaluating Web Resources
Credible Sources Count- view a 10-minute interactive tutorial about how to find sites you can trust. EXCELLENT!
EasyBib Website Evaluation Guide
Finding Reliable Information Online- slide presentation from middle school teacher Sean Hinger
How Savvy are Your Students? 7 Fake Websites to Really Test Their Evaluation Skills- EasyBib
*Kathy Schrock
*The 5 W's of Website Evaluation
*Critical Evaluation of a Website- high School
*Critical Evaluation of a Website- middle school
*Critical Evaluation of a Website- elementary school
Ten Questions for Fake News Detection- infographic checklist
University of Berkeley Library- an excellent tutorial on finding information on the Internet
Website Evaluation Guide- from EasyBib

Ten Questions for Fake News Detection- infographic is in PDF form
Brain Pop: Fact and Opinion- interactive fun for the younger kids
Evaluating Sources in a 'Post-Truth' World: Ideas for Teaching About Fake News- NY Times Lessons
Fake News vs. Real News: Determining the Reliability of Sources- NY Times Learning Network
Fighting Fake News- includes Common Core standards
"He Said, She Said"-Reliable Sources- from School Journalism site
Hoax or No Hoax? Strategies for Online Comprehension and Evaluation- from ReadWriteThink; grades 9-12
Hoax? Scholarly Research? Personal Opinion? You Decide- lesson for high schoolers
How to Teach Your Students About Fake News- from PBS NewsHour; grades 7-9
I Heard it 'Round the Internet: Sexual Health Education & Authenticating Online Information- grades 7-9
Media Literacy and Fake News- from C-SPAN; grade not specified, but probably 9-12
Why Citations Matter: A Lesson in Preventing Alternative Facts- from EasyBib
FactCheck- project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center
Fake News Sites to Watch Out For on Facebook-
Fake News Watch- updates regularly; lists Fake/Hoax Websites, Satire Websites and Clickbait Websites.
Politifact- checking U.S. politics
Museum of Hoaxes- bogus web sites from A to Z
News Literacy Project- assists students in discerning real vs. fake news
Snopes- fact-checking site
Avoiding Plagiarism- from the Purdue Online Writing Lab; very good site gives an overview on
plagiarism, with information on paraphrasing and exercises for students.
plagiarism, with information on paraphrasing and exercises for students.
Plagiarism Tutorial- information and 2 quizzes to check your knowledge; from the University of Southern Mississippi
Successful vs. Unsuccessful Paraphrasing- many examples are shown to explain the best way to paraphrase a paragraph
Types of Plagiarism
WriteCheck- submit your paper to see if you plagiarized anything; $$
You Quote It, You Note It- a short slide presentation/quiz to see how much you know about plagiarism
Formatting Block Quotes
Formatting Your Research Paper--- Here's an example of what your paper should look like:
Finding Credible Sources with EasyBib
Primary and Secondary Resources
A primary resource is the original document, including photos, newspapers, birth certificates
Secondary sources evaluate or discuss primary sources.
Copyright, Fair Use and Research Skills for Elementary Students- LiveBinder
Doing Research at the Elementary Level- written by technology teacher Mary Beth Hertz
Evaluating Information Sources Worksheet- for older students
The Future of Research- written by middle school librarian Jennifer LaGarde
Infomine- scholarly Internet searches
iResearch: Information Skills for Life- 10 modules (covers plagiarism and searching databases) each include a PDF download
The Free Library- over 20 million articles and books
K-4 Research Materials- LiveBinder
Kentucky Virtual Library's How to Do Research- excellent interactive poster designed like a game board
Research it Right- from Acadia University's Library; animated interactive
Research Skills Lesson Plans- from Lesson Planet
Research Skills Worksheets- from TeAchnology; covers various topic areas
Research Skills Worksheets- teacher-reviewed; grades listed
Research Skills Unit- for 8th grade students
Rutgers University's R.I.O.T.- wonderful interactive modules include: Selecting a Topic, Finding Sources, Selecting Keywords, Identifying Citations, Evaluating Sources.
State Library of Victoria- research skills for grades 5-9
Teaching Research Skills to Young Students- the role of the media specialist is explained
Using Critical Thinking to find Trustworthy Websites-video lesson by N.Y. middle school teacher Emily Koch (Grades 6-8)
Wading Through the Web: Teaching Internet Research Strategies- Three complete 45-minute lessons for grades 6-8
Checklist for Evaluating Web Resources
Credible Sources Count- view a 10-minute tutorial about how to find sites you can trust. EXCELLENT!
Critical Evaluation of Information- Kathy Schrock's guide by grade level; covers elementary through secondary
EasyBib Research- students can enter a topic to search and EasyBib tells them if the site is credible or not. (NOTE: Not all sites have been rated)
Evaluating Internet-Based Information- from Media Smarts
Finding Reliable Information Online- slide presentation from middle school teacher Sean Hinger
The Five Ws of Website Evaluation- from Kathy Schrock
Museum of Hoaxes- bogus web sites from A to Z
University of Berkeley Library- an excellent tutorial on finding information on the Internet
Using Critical Thinking to Find Trustworthy Websites- video from Common Sense Media
Website Evaluation- I have put together three important links for your students

Kentucky Virtual Library's How to Do Research- excellent interactive poster designed like a game board
Research it Right- from Acadia University's Library; animated interactive
Research Skills Lesson Plans- from Lesson Planet
Research Skills Worksheets- from TeAchnology; covers various topic areas
Research Skills Worksheets- teacher-reviewed; grades listed
Research Skills Unit- for 8th grade students
Rutgers University's R.I.O.T.- wonderful interactive modules include: Selecting a Topic, Finding Sources, Selecting Keywords, Identifying Citations, Evaluating Sources.
State Library of Victoria- research skills for grades 5-9
Teaching Research Skills to Young Students- the role of the media specialist is explained
Wading Through the Web: Teaching Internet Research Strategies- Three complete 45-minute lessons for grades 6-8
Checklist for Evaluating Web Resources
Credible Sources Count- view a 10-minute tutorial about how to find sites you can trust. EXCELLENT!
Critical Evaluation of Information- Kathy Schrock's guide by grade level; covers elementary through secondary
EasyBib Research- students can enter a topic to search and EasyBib tells them if the site is credible or not. (NOTE: Not all sites have been rated)
Evaluating Internet-Based Information- from Media Smarts
Finding Reliable Information Online- slide presentation from middle school teacher Sean Hinger
The Five Ws of Website Evaluation- from Kathy Schrock
Museum of Hoaxes- bogus web sites from A to Z
University of Berkeley Library- an excellent tutorial on finding information on the Internet
Using Critical Thinking to Find Trustworthy Websites- video from Common Sense Media
Website Evaluation- I have put together three important links for your students

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