The New PE Curriculum: An Innovative Approach to Teaching Physical Fitness- from Edutopia
PE Goes High-Tech- from Mindshift
The Tech Savvy PE Teacher- blog by Shayna Fastovsky
About BMI- from the Centers for Disease Control
Animation: Body Mass Index
BMI Age Growth Chart for Boys
BMI Age Growth Chart for Girls
BMI Calculator- Fitness Magazine's online calculator
BMI Explained- from Men's Health
Body Mass Index for Age Percentiles- chart

20 Everyday Activities and the Calories They Burn- Discovery Health
Activity Based Calorie Burn Calculator
Calories Burned- My Calorie Counter
Calories Burned in 30 Minutes of Leisure and Routine Activities
Top 10 Calorie-Burning Activities and Exercises
Winter Activities and How Many Calories You Burn
B.A.M. (Body and Mind)- info from the CDC on diseases, physical activity, food and nutrition, your life, your body
Eating Out: From Bad to Worse- infographic
Heath Education Curriculum Grades K-5- includes handouts and lessons
Health Teacher- health lessons
How Healthy is Your City?- 40 web apps and infographics
Human Reproductive System
National Institute on Drug Abuse
The Scrub Club- teaches kids how to wash their hands
Secrets of Sleep Quiz
Solusville- fun food games for younger children
Sugar Stacks- shows how many sugar cubes are in various foods and drinks
Your Guide to the Female Reproductive System
Activities for Middle or High School Students About the Cardiovascular System or the Heart Education
BrainPOP Educators- lessons for younger kids
Does Exercise Affect Heart-Rate?- elementary lesson
Exercise Science Inspires Kids- about middle school in Mammoth Lakes, CA
Teachers Learn How Exercise Helps Kids to Do Better in School
Using Heart-Rate Monitors to Achieve Lesson Design and Training Goals
Anti-Inflammatory Pyramid
The Complete Guide to Workout Nutrition
The Eat Well Plate
A Healthy Eating Plate- graphic from the Harvard School of Public Health
The Kid's Activity Pyramid
Mediterranean Pyramid
Raw Foods Diet
Sports Nutrition Pyramid
The Vegan Food Pyramid
The Vegetarian Pyramid
Adolescence Food and Nutrition
Awesome Library Lesson Plans
Education World Physical Fitness- activities and lesson plans
EMTECH Lesson Plans- nice listing
Fast Food Nutrition Plans
Fast Food Quiz
Female Reproductive System Lesson Plans
Health Teacher- health lessons
High School Nutrition Lessons- lessons, activities and presentations
Lesson Plan Search- covers grades PreK-12
Lesson Plans and Presentations- from Drexel University; covers meals, snacks, activity and much more
Male Reproductive System Lesson Plans- from the Lesson Corner
Nutrition and Fitness Lesson Plans- from Learn to Be Healthy
Nutrition Lesson Plans- TeAchnology
PBS Teachers Health and Fitness- lessons, quizzes cover grades K-12
TeAchnology Health Lesson Plans
TeAchnology Physical Education Lesson Plans
Teen Health- 10 activities
MEALS AND SNACKS (Includes recovery meals)
50 Awesome Pre and Post Workout Snacks
Best Breakfasts for Before and After Your Workout- from Fitness Magazine
Food as Fuel: Before, During and After Workouts- from the American Heart Association
How to Choose a Pre Workout Meal- from Wikihow
Pre-Workout Snacks- from WebMD
What to Eat Before and After a Workout- from Food Matters
What to Eat Before Running
20 Movement Activities and Games for Elementary Classrooms
Computers and Phys Ed Do Mix- article from Education World
Daily Physical Education Activities and Games
FitnessGram-Activity and fitness assessment, reporting, tracking
Game Ideas- from CanTeach; K-5
iPad Apps for Physical Education- from phys ed teacher in the UK
Lower School Physical Education
PE Central- "the premier site for health and physical education"
Physical Education Game Ideas- broken down by grade level
Real Indoor- use Google Street view while you pedal on a stationary bike; virtually pedal wherever you want in the United States
Susan's PE Site- activities, lessons, PE sites
Technology Integration Resources- Nova Scotia schools; for middle school
Technology Integration Strategies- by Chip Flemmer
Why Motor Skills Matter
Hawaii AIDS Education and Training Center- lessons in PDF format, from puberty to menstruation
HIV and AIDS Lessons and Activity Plans-
Lesson Plans for Grades 4,5,6- PDF and PowerPoint downloads from the Seattle and King County Public Health
Lesson Plans for Grades 7,8- PDF and PowerPoint downloads from the Seattle and King County Public Health
Lesson Plans for Grades 9-12- PDF and PowerPoint downloads from the Seattle and King County Public Health
Lesson Plans for Special Education- PDF and PowerPoint downloads from the Seattle and King County Public Health
Sex Education Articles, Worksheets and Lessons- from TeacherVision
Sex Education Teacher Resources- over 200 lessons
SexEd Library-over 100 lessons covering many topics
Sexual Pressures- lesson plan from Discovery Education
Sexuality and Responsibility- 10 lesson plans for each grade 6, 7, 8
Teaching Sexual Health- Canadian site has lessons in both English and French; covers grades 4-12
Adolescents and Abortion
The Lesson Corner- list of lessons on abortion
The Lesson Planet- lesson plans and worksheets
Revisiting Roe v. Wade- NY Times lesson plan
AIDS: Who's at Risk?- from Discovery Education; grades 9-12
The Body: The Complete HIV/AIDS Resource
HIV and AIDS Lessons and Activities
HIV/AIDS- several lesson plans on HIV/AIDS (and related areas) from the NY Times
HIV/AIDS Awareness Printables, Lessons and Resources- from TeacherVision
HIV/AIDS/STIs- lesson plans for ages 12-18
Reproductive Anatomy- lesson plan from Planned Parenthood includes worksheets, activities and games
STIs and HIV- lesson plan for grade 9 from Needham, MA Public Schools
Conception Lesson Plans and Worksheets- from Lesson Planet
From Conception to Birth: Teacher's Guide- from Discovery Education; subscription necessary to view the videos; grades 9-12
Reproductive Anatomy, Conception, Pregnancy and Birth- grade 9 lesson from Needham, MA Public Schools
Contraception Lesson Plan- from Canadian site TeachingHealth; very complete, including handouts
Reasons and Methods for Preventing Pregnancy- grade 9 lesson from Needham, MA Public Schools; contains glossary and printable worksheet
Studying Contraception- lesson 1; for grade 8; from Canadian site TeachingHealth
Studying Contraception- lesson 2; for grade 8; from Canadian site TeachingHealth
Human Sexuality
The Circles of Human Sexuality- teacher's resource included (PDF)
Human Sexuality Lesson Plans - from Lesson Planet; also has worksheets and presentations
PBS Teachers- lessons on abstinence, smart choices about sex, and STDs
Sexual Pressures- grades 6-8 lesson from Discovery Education
LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender)
Anti-Homophobic Bullying Lessons- from
The Gay, Lesbian and Straight Network- assorted lessons
The Gay-Straight Alliance Network- LGBT-Inclusive Lessons
Not in Our Town- lessons about sexual identity and gender
Safe Schools Coalition- lessons for K-12
Teaching and Learning About Gay History and Issues- from NY Times; long list of lessons and resources here
Teaching Tolerance- Southern Poverty Law Center's site; lessons for grades 3-12
Reproductive Systems
Female Reproductive System- from InnerBody; interactive diagrams
Kids' Health- all about the female reproductive system
The Lesson Corner- all grades covered on this very long list
The Male Reproductive System- from HotChalk; grades 6-8
Reproductive Anatomy- lesson plan from Planned Parenthood includes worksheets, activities and games
Reproductive System from the Body Human Series- if you are a Discovery Education subscriber, this lesson goes with the video; includes worksheets, quiz, vocabulary sheet
Teen Pregnancy
Do I or Don't I?- a lesson in making healthy sexual choices; has various scenarios and a pre-test
Pregnancy Prevention- NY Times lesson for grades 9-12
Sex and Teen Pregnancy- lesson plan list from the NY Times
Teen Pregnancy Lesson Plans- from the Lesson Corner
Teen Pregnancy Lesson- from Discovery Education; grades 6-8
7 Best Diet Apps for iPhone and Android
The 11 Best Healthy Lifestyle iPhone and Android Apps of 2013
30 iPhone Apps to Help You Exercise
The 64 Best Health and Fitness Apps of 2013
The Best Health and Workout Apps for Teens
Best iPhone Fitness Apps
Good Health and Fitness Apps for Your Smartphone
Caloric Deficit Explained
Metabolism Lesson Plans- grades 9-12
TDEE Calculator
The Tool for Weight Loss That Trumps Everything Else