5 Ways to Use Twitter to Avoid a Backchannel Disaster- from
7 Things You Should Know About Backchannel Communication
BagTheWeb- create bags "to collect, publish, and share any content from the Web."
CintaNotes- free personal notes manager; Windows only
Biggerplate- choose from a collection of mind maps for education
Diagrammr- very simple user interface
Thinklinkr-create and share outlines
Aniboom-virtual animation studio
Animasher- create an animation
5 Ways to Use Twitter to Avoid a Backchannel Disaster- from
7 Things You Should Know About Backchannel Communication
9 Tips for Enriching Your Presentations with Social Media- from
10 Observations About Backchanneling- written by David Warlick, an educator with the popular blog, 2 Cents Worth.
10 Reasons to Try Backchannel Chat
Back Noise - works with web browsers and iPhone, iPod and iPad
10 Observations About Backchanneling- written by David Warlick, an educator with the popular blog, 2 Cents Worth.
10 Reasons to Try Backchannel Chat
Back Noise - works with web browsers and iPhone, iPod and iPad
Backchannel in Education-Nine Uses- written by Dr. Derek Bruff, who has an interest in teaching with clickers (his blog is all about this)
Backchannel Discussion- LiveBinder
Backchanneling in Grade 1- first grade teacher's blog post includes the video below:
Backchanneling in Middle School Social Studies
Backchannel Discussion- LiveBinder
Backchanneling in Grade 1- first grade teacher's blog post includes the video below:
Backchanneling in Middle School Social Studies
Backchanneling with Elementary School Students- written by educator Silvia Tolisano, whose Langwitches blog very popular
BackNoise- create conversations on the fly
Cacoo- collaborate on online diagrams
BackNoise- create conversations on the fly
Cacoo- collaborate on online diagrams
Edmodo- classes can have their own micro blogging network; students can communicate in real time, teachers can post assignments, questions for discussion
Google Wave-invite people into a conversation, post any links you might have, see text in real time and use many gadgets Google has.
HootCourse- take your class conversation online
Installing a Backchannel in My Classroom This Week- from Cool Cat Teacher Vicki Davis
Joint- group chat for Twitter (my school blocks Twitter, so this one is out for us..)
Kicking it Up a Notch: Back-channels in the Classroom- from K12 Online Conference
MeetingWords- real time collaborative text collaboration
HootCourse- take your class conversation online
Installing a Backchannel in My Classroom This Week- from Cool Cat Teacher Vicki Davis
Joint- group chat for Twitter (my school blocks Twitter, so this one is out for us..)
Kicking it Up a Notch: Back-channels in the Classroom- from K12 Online Conference
MeetingWords- real time collaborative text collaboration
MicroMobs- "name your mob" and "create your mob"; easily create your group discussion and share info, images, links etc.
Neat Chat- very easy site to use; simply enter the nickname and click "start group"; then email URL to people you want to invite.
Notaland- online collaboration
Notaland- online collaboration allows you to create a private micro-blogging network if you have the same email domain; collaborate in real time
Scribblar- Multi-user whiteboard, live audio,image collaboration, text-chat and more:
Scribblar- Multi-user whiteboard, live audio,image collaboration, text-chat and more:
Skrbl- interactive whiteboard allows you to chat, draw, write text in one spot
Today's Meet- create your room and collaborate in real time
Twiddla- online meetings; some accounts $$, one is free with limitations
Today's Meet- create your room and collaborate in real time
Twiddla- online meetings; some accounts $$, one is free with limitations
Using Backchannels in the classroom
What is the Backchannel?
Aboogy- Personal bookmarks combined with your choice of search engines presented in clean and simple layout
Bookmark Commando- access bookmarks from anywhere in the world; reports if links are no longer valid social bookmarking
Diigo- allows you to bookmark and more
Evernote- does much more than just bookmarking; one of my personal favorites for organizing my life
Google Bookmarks
Historious- one-click save
iKeepBookmarks- allows you to create folders of your bookmarks; set up a page for your school with your bookmarks; see sample here
LiveBinder It- every time you find a link you want to save, instead of clicking on 'favorites' you can click on 'LiveBinder it' and save directly to an existing or new binder.
MyBookmarks- access bookmarks from anywhere
My Home Page- looks like Only2Clicks, with thumbnails of your bookmarks displayed
Only2Clicks- thumbnails serve to identify sites; organize by tabs
Pinterest- online pinboard combines personal bookmarks and more
Quick Bookmarks
SiteJot- simple online bookmark manager
StumbleUpon- bookmark your favorite sites or have StumbleUpon find new sites for you based on your preferences
Symbaloo- like Only2Clicks, this is a visual bookmarking tool
Yahoo Bookmarks- access from anyplace in the world
Xmarks- works with IE, Chrome, Firefox and Safari browsers; syncs your bookmarks
Zootool- visual bookmarking
What is the Backchannel?
Aboogy- Personal bookmarks combined with your choice of search engines presented in clean and simple layout
Bookmark Commando- access bookmarks from anywhere in the world; reports if links are no longer valid social bookmarking
Diigo- allows you to bookmark and more
Evernote- does much more than just bookmarking; one of my personal favorites for organizing my life
Google Bookmarks
Historious- one-click save
iKeepBookmarks- allows you to create folders of your bookmarks; set up a page for your school with your bookmarks; see sample here
LiveBinder It- every time you find a link you want to save, instead of clicking on 'favorites' you can click on 'LiveBinder it' and save directly to an existing or new binder.
MyBookmarks- access bookmarks from anywhere
My Home Page- looks like Only2Clicks, with thumbnails of your bookmarks displayed
Only2Clicks- thumbnails serve to identify sites; organize by tabs
Pinterest- online pinboard combines personal bookmarks and more
Quick Bookmarks
SiteJot- simple online bookmark manager
StumbleUpon- bookmark your favorite sites or have StumbleUpon find new sites for you based on your preferences
Symbaloo- like Only2Clicks, this is a visual bookmarking tool
Yahoo Bookmarks- access from anyplace in the world
Xmarks- works with IE, Chrome, Firefox and Safari browsers; syncs your bookmarks
Zootool- visual bookmarking

BagTheWeb- create bags "to collect, publish, and share any content from the Web."
CintaNotes- free personal notes manager; Windows only
Evernote-save urls, grab a screenshot and more; works with smartphones and iPad.
Inslices- collect articles, web sites, videos etc. and share with others
Listhings-sticky notes online
Only2Clicks- organize your sites with various tabs, (like folders) and thumbnails create a topic and will proceed to find you links on the Internet which are related to your topic
Only2Clicks- organize your sites with various tabs, (like folders) and thumbnails create a topic and will proceed to find you links on the Internet which are related to your topic
Spaaze- collect and organize web sites, videos etc. in one location, a giant cork-board.
Springpad- save information on your computer and it will sync with your mobile device (Android or iPhone)
Zotero- "free, easy-to-use tool to help you collect, organize, cite, and share your research sources. It lives right where you do your work—in the web browser itself."
Zotero- "free, easy-to-use tool to help you collect, organize, cite, and share your research sources. It lives right where you do your work—in the web browser itself."

Biggerplate- choose from a collection of mind maps for education
Classroom Assessment Technique: Concept Maps- video from the Center Instructional Innovation and Assessment
Classroom Assessment Techniques: Concept Mapping- Michael Zielik shows how concept maps have helped him assess his students' understanding of the subject matter in his course.
Concept Mapping- from the Center for Teaching and Learning
Concept Maps: A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words- from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Connected Mind- use with Google Chrome browser
Creaza Education- mind mapping tool is one of the tools available
Creaza Education- mind mapping tool is one of the tools available
Dabbleboard- interactive whiteboard
Diagrammr- very simple user interface
Edistorm- free and $$ plans; online brainstorming
Edraw Soft- "build, save, share and print arbitrary mind maps absolutely free"; download required
Exploratree- offers many "thinking guides" which you can use for creating your mind map
FolderBoy-"record ideas, collaborate on tasks and unscramble your workflow"
Free Resources for Thinking Maps
Gliffy-create flowcharts, diagrams, floor plans, technical drawings
Gliffy-create flowcharts, diagrams, floor plans, technical drawings
HeadCase-import text from MS Office documents;Windows only
How to Convert Text to a Mind Map
iBrainstorm- app for the iPhone and iPad; share, use free form drawing
Inkflow- free and paid versions for the iPad
iBrainstorm- app for the iPhone and iPad; share, use free form drawing
Inkflow- free and paid versions for the iPad
Knowcase- collaborative lists, save ideas, notes, to-dos
MAPMYself- free plan offers only 2 online maps per account
Mind42- browser-based online mind mapping
Mindmeister-mind mapping and brainstorming; available for iPhone and Android
Quicklyst-create outlines; instant access to the Webster-Merriam dictionary, integrates with iPhone, Android and Kindle
Realtime Board- (beta) share publicly or privately; works with Google Drive
Realtime Board- (beta) share publicly or privately; works with Google Drive
Slatebox- create collaborative mind maps and organizational charts
SlickPlan- free flowcharts
Spiderscribe-online mind mapping and brainstorming; connects notes, files, events; PC World choice
Thinklinkr-create and share outlines
Whys and Hows of Assessment: Concept Maps- from Carnegie Mellon
WiseMapping- create mind maps
Aniboom-virtual animation studio
Animasher- create an animation
Animoto for Education- unlimited videos for you and your students
Comicbrush- use your own drawing or photo, their library of characters, backgrounds and balloons, then add your own text.
Comic Master- create an online graphic novel
Funny Times Cartoon Playground- choose body parts to create the characters for your cartoon
GoAnimate- create animated cartoon with their backgrounds, characters, voices and effects; free version is limited to 2 minutes. Here is the link for GoAnimate for Schools.
Make Beliefs Comix-dialogue can be written in English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Portuguese and Spanish; edit size of balloons, characters.
My ComicStrip
My ComicStrip
Pixton- $$, works on Mac, Windows or Linux computers; just add characters to the layout of choice and add text.
ReadWriteThink Comic Creator- for younger kids
Sketch Star- create an animation
Stage'd- digital toy for creating comics
Strip Generator-choose how many frames you want and create a black and white comic.
Super Action Comic Maker- create a 6-frame comic
Super Hero Squad- create a 1-3 frame comic with a choice of background, characters and special effects.
Write Comics-registration is not needed; choose a background, characters and add your own text.
Xtranormal for Education- special pricing for schools
7 Brilliant Ways to Use Edmodo That Will Blow.Your. Mind.- from Edmodo's site
7 Steps on How to Use the New Edmodo- videos were posted in July 2013
10 Reasons Why Edmodo is an Excellent (and Hugely Popular) Digital Learning Platform
15 Things You Can Do With Edmodo and How to Get Started- from Richard Byrne's Free Technology For Teachers
Android App for Edmodo
Class Charts is Now Available as a Free Edmodo App- chart behavior and classroom seating in this app
Edmodo Cheat Sheet- PDF file from 2010
Edmodo Digital Citizenship Poster- available in English, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Portugese and Spanish; different sizes and color or black and white
Edmodo: Extending Learning Beyond the Classroom- Livebinder
Edmodo in the Classroom
Edmodo Free Training Videos
Edmodo Infographic
Edmodo Support Page- ask a question and hopefully you will find the answer here; official Edmodo site
The Edmodo Teacher Guide- very complete 50-page PDF file
Edmodo's Official Blog- get the latest news and updates
Everything Edmodo: Symbaloo Page- links other programs and sites with Edmodo
Getting to Know Edmodo- scavenger hunt
A Handy Guide to Everything Teachers Need to Know About Edmodo
iPhone App for Edmodo
My Flipped Math class and Edmodo
Now You Can Add Educlipper to Edmodo- Educlipper is the educator's Pinterest
Share ThingLink Images in Edmodo- interactive imags
Why You Should Give Edmodo a Try
20 Reasons You Should Be Using Facebook in Your Classroom
Xtranormal for Education- special pricing for schools
7 Brilliant Ways to Use Edmodo That Will Blow.Your. Mind.- from Edmodo's site
7 Steps on How to Use the New Edmodo- videos were posted in July 2013
10 Reasons Why Edmodo is an Excellent (and Hugely Popular) Digital Learning Platform
15 Things You Can Do With Edmodo and How to Get Started- from Richard Byrne's Free Technology For Teachers
Android App for Edmodo
Class Charts is Now Available as a Free Edmodo App- chart behavior and classroom seating in this app
Edmodo Cheat Sheet- PDF file from 2010
Edmodo Digital Citizenship Poster- available in English, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Portugese and Spanish; different sizes and color or black and white
Edmodo: Extending Learning Beyond the Classroom- Livebinder
Edmodo in the Classroom
Edmodo Free Training Videos
Edmodo Infographic
Edmodo Support Page- ask a question and hopefully you will find the answer here; official Edmodo site
The Edmodo Teacher Guide- very complete 50-page PDF file
Edmodo's Official Blog- get the latest news and updates
Everything Edmodo: Symbaloo Page- links other programs and sites with Edmodo
Getting to Know Edmodo- scavenger hunt
A Handy Guide to Everything Teachers Need to Know About Edmodo
iPhone App for Edmodo
My Flipped Math class and Edmodo
Now You Can Add Educlipper to Edmodo- Educlipper is the educator's Pinterest
Share ThingLink Images in Edmodo- interactive imags
Why You Should Give Edmodo a Try
20 Reasons You Should Be Using Facebook in Your Classroom
100 Ways You Should Be Using Facebook in Your Classroom
The Best Reason for Teachers to Use Facebook- from Tech the Plunge
A Teacher's Guide to Using Facebook- written by Bernadette Rego; 22 pages
The Best Reason for Teachers to Use Facebook- from Tech the Plunge
A Teacher's Guide to Using Facebook- written by Bernadette Rego; 22 pages
Creating a Facebook Page for Your School- written by Brad Flickinger
Facebook Guidelines- Papillion-La Vista School District
Facebook Guidelines- Papillion-La Vista School District
Facebook Strategies For the Classroom
Facebook Templates- choose from a list of six, including a page for JFK
Facebook Templates- choose from a list of six, including a page for JFK
Historical Figure Facebook Project- students will create a Facebook page for a historical figure; lesson plan and instructions are here.
Using Facebook to Teach- history teacher Sara Romeyn talks about using Facebook in her classroom:
Convert My Image- supports the following:
YouConvertIt- the list is too long to put here, but this site offers file conversions of all types; web-based program allows up to 300MB file.
Zamzar- another very long list of file conversions available (files up to 100MB)
Amazifier- online photo retouching, effects, stamps and seals; free
Animoto- upload your photos, video and music and Animoto makes it into a slick video. Free for 30 second videos; educational prices available for longer video.
Aviary- online photo editing plus much more
Canva Photo Editor- free online photo editor
Cellsea- draw on images,rotate, resize, fix brightness, special effects including distorting
ImageChef- customize photos and clip art
Convert My Image- supports the following:
- PNG - Portable Network Graphic
- GIF - Graphics Interchange Format
- TIF or TIFF - Tagged Image File Format
- BMP - Bitmap
- XPM - X Pixmap
- PIC - PICtor
- PDF - Adobe PDF (Portable Document Format)
- EPS - Encapsulated PostScript
- PS - Adobe Photoshop
YouConvertIt- the list is too long to put here, but this site offers file conversions of all types; web-based program allows up to 300MB file.
Zamzar- another very long list of file conversions available (files up to 100MB)

Amazifier- online photo retouching, effects, stamps and seals; free
Animoto- upload your photos, video and music and Animoto makes it into a slick video. Free for 30 second videos; educational prices available for longer video.
Aviary- online photo editing plus much more
Canva Photo Editor- free online photo editor
Cellsea- draw on images,rotate, resize, fix brightness, special effects including distorting
Citrify-edit photos online using a Flash-based program
CleVR- online photo stitching software; make panoramas
Dr. Pic- basic online photo editing
FlauntR- add effects, blend world famous painting with yours, add fancy fonts and backgrounds
Fotobabble- add your voice to photos; student projects will come to life
FotoFlexer- fonts, effects, doodling, layers, retouching, distortions and advanced effects
Hornil StylePix- download the freeware and use the many editing functions
ImageChef- customize photos and clip art
iPiccy- edit pictures with paint, text and many tools
Lunapic- supports many image and video types; 200+ effects including reflecting animation, retro color
Pixa-social photo sharing service
Panraven- online editing for photos plus lots of cool stuff
Photoscape- download for Windows only; batch editing, clone stamp, create animated GIFs online version of the popular graphics program
Photovisi- create photo collages
Picasa- Google's photo editing; download for Windows or Mac
Picnik- cool online editor owned by Google basic online photo editing
Pixlr- online photo editing
ResizR- easy online image resize
Shape Collage- free automatic photo collage maker
Snipshot- basic adjustments are free; pro account required for most other effects
Splashup- multiple image editing, pixel-level control, and basic Photoshop-like tools. Try Splashup Light if you are a photographer and want more control. (download necessary)
SumoPaint- online interface resembles Photoshop; filters, effects, photo editing, drawing, cloning. blurring and more
Windows Live Photo Gallery- face recognition and retouching; for Windows only
Zoner Photo Studio- view, edit, manage photos; download for Windows only
Audacity- free cross-platform sound editor
Blubrry- podcast community and directory; hosting
Evoca- create and share digital voice recordings
Gabcast- record and post to your blog or website
Evoca- create and share digital voice recordings
Gabcast- record and post to your blog or website free podcast hosting and directory
PodBean-"407,908 PODCASTERS, 1,880,627 EPISODES, 178,593,437 DOWNLOADS AS OF TODAY."
Podomatic- create or listen to podcasts
PodBean-"407,908 PODCASTERS, 1,880,627 EPISODES, 178,593,437 DOWNLOADS AS OF TODAY."
Podomatic- create or listen to podcasts
WavePad Audio Editing Software- for Macs
Wavosaur Free Audio Editor
1. Audio-Technica AT2020- with a list price of $225.00, this cardioid mic picks up sound from in front and limits the sounds from the sides and rear. It's currently on for $169.00 with free shipping.
2. Blue Microphones: YETI- this retro-looking microphone offers multiple pattern selection: cardioid, bidirectional, omnidirectional & stereo. It can be used in any situation, including podcasting,
It's currently on for $84.95 with free shipping. (It is a #1 Best Seller on their site)
3. CAD Audio U37- studio-quality mic for vocals, instruments and podcasts. This is a cardioid mic which limits side and back sounds, concentrating on the sound from in front of the mic. The USB cable is 10 feet long. It's currently on for $43.03 with free shipping.
4. Rode NT-USB- package includes a pop shield, tripod desk stand, ring mount,
and storage pouch. Currently, this low-noise condenser mic has a 5-star rating (59 reviews) on where it is $169.00 with free shipping.
5. Zoom H2n- this mic runs on (2) AA batteries, Mid-Side (MS) stereo, 90° X/Y stereo, and both 2-channel and 4-channel surround. Comes with a 2GB SD card. Currently available on for $159.99 with free shipping.
1. Audio-Technica AT2020- with a list price of $225.00, this cardioid mic picks up sound from in front and limits the sounds from the sides and rear. It's currently on for $169.00 with free shipping.
2. Blue Microphones: YETI- this retro-looking microphone offers multiple pattern selection: cardioid, bidirectional, omnidirectional & stereo. It can be used in any situation, including podcasting,
It's currently on for $84.95 with free shipping. (It is a #1 Best Seller on their site)
3. CAD Audio U37- studio-quality mic for vocals, instruments and podcasts. This is a cardioid mic which limits side and back sounds, concentrating on the sound from in front of the mic. The USB cable is 10 feet long. It's currently on for $43.03 with free shipping.
4. Rode NT-USB- package includes a pop shield, tripod desk stand, ring mount,
and storage pouch. Currently, this low-noise condenser mic has a 5-star rating (59 reviews) on where it is $169.00 with free shipping.
5. Zoom H2n- this mic runs on (2) AA batteries, Mid-Side (MS) stereo, 90° X/Y stereo, and both 2-channel and 4-channel surround. Comes with a 2GB SD card. Currently available on for $159.99 with free shipping.
280 Slides- Beta ended on this program in December 2011; nice, simple interface
Ease- part of GNOME desktop
Ease- part of GNOME desktop
Google Docs Presentation- not my favorite, but it does the job
KOffice- online open source software includes KPresenter; works on Windows, Mac and Linux.
KOffice- online open source software includes KPresenter; works on Windows, Mac and Linux.
Kizoa- free slideshow and collage maker
Libre Office Impress-the presentation part of this free office suite
NeoOffice- made for Mac computers; includes a presentation module; download required; also available for Android smartphones.
NeoOffice- made for Mac computers; includes a presentation module; download required; also available for Android smartphones.
Powtoon- "bringing awesomeness to your presentations"; use their cartoon characters to make a great presentation for you
Prezi- "make your presentations zoom"
PreZentit- "Create, share and show your presentations online"
Sliderocket- my students love the program for its ease; teachers love it because students can't lose their work because it resides on their site
ThinkFree- office suite like MS office