About Hydropower
Adventures in Energy-a look at oil and gas (interactive)
Alternative Energy- solutions for the 21st century
Alternative Energy News- news and resources
Department of Energy- covers all types of alternative energies, including hydrogen, solar, wind
Energy From the Sun Teacher and Student Guides- seven lessons for grades K-4
Energy Fueling the Future- this site is from the UK; take one of their quizzes and see how much you know about energy
Energy From the Sun Teacher and Student Guides- seven lessons for grades K-4
Energy Fueling the Future- this site is from the UK; take one of their quizzes and see how much you know about energy
Energy Kids- wind, solar energy
The Energy Story- read the twenty chapter story online
Geothermal Energy- from the Geothermal Education Office
The Energy Story- read the twenty chapter story online
Geothermal Energy- from the Geothermal Education Office
Harness the Power of Wind- from National Geographic
National Science Digital Library Ocean Wave Energy Company
New York Times Article on Solar Energy
Solar Electric Power Association- harness the power of the sun!
Solar Energy Lesson Plans- listed by grade level
Solar Energy Videos- from NeoK12
Solar Lesson Plans- divided by grade level
Wind Energy Basics- from the U.S. government
Wave Power
Wind Energy Curricula and Teaching Materials- from the U.S. Department of Energy; nice listing of links
Wind Energy Curriculum for K-12
Anatomy of the Human Body- "The edition of Gray’s Anatomy of the Human Body features 1,247 vibrant engravings—many in color—from the classic 1918 publication, as well as a subject index with 13,000 entries ranging from the Antrum of Highmore to the Zonule of Zinn."
Human Blood-introduction to its components and types; also find flash cards and crossword puzzles on the topic.
Human Body Resources for Teachers- nice listing from TeacherVision
Human Body Resources for Teachers- nice listing from TeacherVision
Medical Animation Library- from Penn Medicine; (UPenn) over 200 video tutorials
MEDtropolis- "home of the virtual body"
MEDtropolis- "home of the virtual body"
Think Anatomy- huge collection of all-things anatomy, including dissection videos, terminology, mnemonics, podcasts, study guides and lots more; smartphone app is available!
Anatomy: Muscular System- covers grades 7-12; links to lesson plans
Anatomy of the Brain- several lesson plans
Anatomy and Physiology Lesson Plans- includes class outlines, quizzes, handouts, images
Awesome Library's Lesson Plans
Body Tissue Lab- lesson plan complete with handouts
Human Body Lesson Plans- each system listed
Physiology and Body Systems Lesson Plans- PowerPoint and Word file downloads
Teaching the Parts of the Brain- grades 3-5
TeAchnology's Anatomy Lesson Plans- covers many grade levels
Biological Animations- from St. Olaf College
Biology Animation Library- from DNA Learning Center; about 15 listed
Biology Animations- currently 50 listed
The Biology Corner- worksheets, quizzes
Biology for Life- Skyline High School's excellent site
The Biology Project- from the University of Arizona; site is constantly updating
Biology Simulations- from the University of Colorado at Boulder; list of 23 simulations
Biology Questions- over 1,800!
Bozeman Biology- YouTube channel of videos
Cell Biology Websites
Cells Alive!
DNA From the Beginning- 75 animated experiments
Explore Biology- AP Biology assignments, lecture notes, presentations and more from Ms. Foglia
Hippocampus Biology- free help with biology homework; simulations, presentations from Khan Academy and NROCC
Interactive Biology- videos, quizzes (high school, college)
Meiosis Tutorial- from University of Arizona
National Association of Biology Teachers- general biology resource links
Principles of Biology- NING developed by Benton High School and MWSU
Rader's Biology 4 Kids
Teachervision Biology Resources
Thingdom- interactive game "Thingdom challenges students to select and breed 'Things' to bring out particular characteristics through inheritance."
Awesome Library- nice listing here of lesson plans
Biology 4 Teachers- lesson plans, PowerPoints and activities
The Biology Corner Lesson Plans- includes worksheets by topic, covers AP Bio as well
Biology Lesson Plans- from the Science Spot; includes Internet-based lessons
Free Biology Lesson Plans- for younger grades K-5
Free High School Biology Worksheets- PDF file downloads
Genetic Lesson Plan Ideas
High School Biology/Life Science Lessons- from Better Lesson
Share My Lesson- covers grades 9-12 biology classes
Teachervision Biology Lesson Plans- sort by grade level
TeAchnology Lesson Plans
20 Things You Didn't Know About the Periodic Table - Discover Magazine
AP Chemistry PowerPoints- 6 units covered
AP Chemistry Study Cards
Chemistry 11- lessons and handouts
Chemistry 12- lessons and handouts
Chemistry Animations- 8 Flash animations
AP Chemistry PowerPoints- 6 units covered
AP Chemistry Study Cards
Chemistry 11- lessons and handouts
Chemistry 12- lessons and handouts
Chemistry Animations- 8 Flash animations
Chemistry Comes Alive- Chemistry Video Collection from the Journal of Chemical Education
Chemistry Demonstration Videos- 10 packets on various subject
Chemistry Lesson Plan Links- from the Science Spot
Chemistry Software and Science Teaching
ChemSpider - free chemical database which provides "fast text and structure search access to over 28 million structures from hundreds of data sources."
ChemSynthesis- Chemical Database
Doctor Mad Science- videos of experiments
Finding Science in Ice Cream
Flynn Scientific's Teacher Resources
ChemSpider - free chemical database which provides "fast text and structure search access to over 28 million structures from hundreds of data sources."
ChemSynthesis- Chemical Database
Doctor Mad Science- videos of experiments
Finding Science in Ice Cream
Flynn Scientific's Teacher Resources
Free Chemistry Video Lectures- long list from LearnersTV
General Chemistry Glossary
General Chemistry Online!- includes simulations, compound library, tutorials and much more
High School Chemistry Education Resources- from the American Chemical Society
Interactive Chemistry Simulations- nice collection from the University of Colorado at Boulder
Interactive Periodic Table- great way for students to study the elements
Mole Clip Art
NeoK12 Periodic Table Videos- reviewed by K12 teachers
The Periodic Table of Comic Books- choose an element and see which comic book involving that element
The Periodic Table of Videos- includes quizzes
Reactions in Chemistry- from the Annenberg Foundation; VOD (video on demand)
Reeko's Mad Scientist Science Experiments- chemical reactions, chemistry experiments here; experiments are rated easy, medium, hard, dangerous

Case of the Barefoot Burglar- middle school science
C.S.I.: Classroom Science Inquiry
CSI: The Experience-virtual crime scene activity; see if you can solve the crime
Discovery Education Lesson Plans- 5 listed; for grades 6-8
Fingerprinting: A Lesson on Classification- for elementary or middle school
Five Lessons for Teaching About Mysteries- mainly K-6; one for 6-advanced
Five Lessons for Teaching About Mysteries- mainly K-6; one for 6-advanced
Forensics Activities- written by Nancy Clark, retired high school science teacher
Forensic Science- this site was designed by students 16-18 years old and won an honorable mention in Oracle's Thinkquest Competition
Forensic Science Lesson Plans- a Thinkquest award-winning site (honorable mention) written by teens
Murder Mystery- from Newton's Apple; student activity
The Science Spot- lesson plans and many resource links listed here; excellent list
America's Most Wanted- web site of the television series
Crime Library- true crime stories
Crime Spider- covers loads of information, including arson, crime scene photos and a criminal justice library.
C.S.I.- TV episodes
C.S.I.- TV episodes
CSI Web Adventures- funded by the National Science Foundation, this site takes you through beginner to advanced level ca; also games and "fun stuff".
Famous Trials-from Charles Manson to O.J. Simpson
F.B.I.- government site for the Federal Bureau of Investigation
F.B.I. Kids' Page- choose your grade level and learn more about what goes on at the F.B.I.
F.B.I. Records- find out about their records and how to obtain information which has been released or not yet released.
Forensic Evidence Articles- categories include Evidence Law News, Identification Evidence, Behavioral Evidence and Biological Evidence.
Interpol- world’s largest international police organization
NOVA: Investigations Archive- videos on the Unabomber, Typhoid Mary and more.
PBS Teachers- shows which involve forensic science
The Science Spot- lesson plans and many resource links listed here; excellent list
Virtual Exhibit on Forensic Science- site has a database, timeline and interactive game.
Visible Proofs-forensic views of the body; media, exhibition images, biographies

Amethyst Galleries' Mineral Gallery- the first Internet rock shop
Ask a Geologist
The Burke Museum in a Box- interactive
Cavern Geology Lesson Plan
Classifying Igneous Rocks- lab worksheet
Classifying Sedimentary Rocks- lab worksheet
Fossils-Facts-and-Finds- everything fossils
Fossils, Rocks and Time- U.S. government site
Geologic Time
Geological Society of America
Geology for Kids- geared towards middle school
Geology Glossary- from Cengage Learning
Geologic Time
Geological Society of America
Geology for Kids- geared towards middle school
Geology Glossary- from Cengage Learning
Geology Rocks- tutorials and photographs
Geology, Rocks and Minerals- from Enchanted Learning (for younger kids)
Geology Science Fair Project Ideas
Government Sites for Geology
Geology, Rocks and Minerals- from Enchanted Learning (for younger kids)
Geology Science Fair Project Ideas
Government Sites for Geology
KidsGeo- for younger kids
The Image- picture galleries of rocks
Make Your Own Fossil
Metamorphic Rock Questions- worksheet
Middle School Geology Lesson Plans- also includes homework and quizzes
Metamorphic Rock Questions- worksheet
Middle School Geology Lesson Plans- also includes homework and quizzes
Mineral Identification Key
Mineral Information Institute- interactive site with a teacher and homework helper section
Mineral Information Institute- interactive site with a teacher and homework helper section
Sinkholes- Florida's landscape
U.S. Map Collections for All 50 States- Relief, Elevation, Drainage, Political and Road Maps
What is Geology? What Does a Geologist Do?
A to Z Teacher Stuff- small list of lessons about hurricanes
Apps for Tracking Hurricanes- nice listing of apps available in the iTunes store; most $$, some free
BrainPop- video on hurricanes (younger kids)
CNN's Page on Hurricane Sandy
Editors' Choices from Education World- best books to teach about hurricanes
FEMA Site- steps to prepare for a hurricane; kids site here.
Horrific Hurricanes
How Hurricanes Work- from How Stuff Works; includes quiz, video
How Names are Chosen- includes listing of names to 2017
Hurricane Digital Memory Bank- "Launched in 2005, the Hurricane Digital Memory Bank uses electronic media to collect, preserve, and present the stories and digital record of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita."
Hurricane Facts and Figures- from the St. Petersburg Times; includes hurricane gallery
Hurricane Lesson Plans and Classroom Activities- from Education World
Hurricane Tracker- from
Hurricane Tracking Activity- from Enchanted Learning
Hurricanes- page includes graphs, maps
Make a Hurricane Spiral- for younger students; three hurricane spirals to cut out
Make Your Own Tracking Map- printable black and white map of the eastern United States
Miami Museum of Science Teacher Resources- a lot here in a friendly user interface
National Hurricane Center- forecasts, tools, podcasts
The Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Intensity Scale- explains each level in detail : Severe Weather and Natural Disasters- site includes quiz
Severe Weather: Hurricanes
Student Hurricane Activities- choose from 10 activities, including a crossword puzzle, quiz and word find
Teacher Guide to Hurricanes and Tornadoes- from TeAchnology;
WatchKnowLearn- 68 videos about hurricanes; covers ages 7-18 (each one labeled for age)
Weather Coloring Books for Kids- includes downloadable posters, videos, more
Weather Wiz Kids- images, diagrams, list of hurricane names
100 Amazing Videos for Teaching and Studying Physics
Amusement Park Physics- provided by the Annenberg Project
Center for History and Physics: Niels Bohr Library and Archives- history of modern physics, astronomy, and geophysics
Khan Academy Physics Videos-
NASA's Amusement Park Physics Days
Newton's Laws
The Physics of Angry Birds- neat article from Wired Magazine
The Physics of Archery
Physics Animations- 10 listed from KScience
The Physics of Baseball
Physics Central- includes a physics blog, podcasts, physics in action, physics in pictures, physics @home and much more
Physics Flash Animations- FLASH required to view
Physics Games- around 90 games here
Physics Interactive Simulations- close to 100 from the University of Colorado at Boulder
Physics Lessons, Tutorials, Help- from the Physics Zone
The Physics of Skateboarding your guide to physics on the Internet
Popular Physics Resources- from TeacherVision
Roller Coasters and Amusement Park Physics
Science Central Physics Resources- loads of subcategories
The Titanium Physicists Podcast- "the boundary between the incomprehensible and the well explained"
50 Physics Lesson Plans for Middle School Students- from Edgalaxy
Lesson Planet Physics Lesson Plans- by grade level
Links to Physics and Astronomy Lesson Plans -by grade level; maintained by the Experimental High Energy Physics Group at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey.
Mrs. Carder's Downloadable Physics Lesson Plans and Labs
Physics Inquiry Lesson Plans
Physics Lesson Plan Links- from the Science Spot
TeAchnology Physics Lesson Plans
What is Geology? What Does a Geologist Do?
A to Z Teacher Stuff- small list of lessons about hurricanes
Apps for Tracking Hurricanes- nice listing of apps available in the iTunes store; most $$, some free
BrainPop- video on hurricanes (younger kids)
CNN's Page on Hurricane Sandy
Editors' Choices from Education World- best books to teach about hurricanes
FEMA Site- steps to prepare for a hurricane; kids site here.
Horrific Hurricanes
How Hurricanes Work- from How Stuff Works; includes quiz, video
How Names are Chosen- includes listing of names to 2017
Hurricane Digital Memory Bank- "Launched in 2005, the Hurricane Digital Memory Bank uses electronic media to collect, preserve, and present the stories and digital record of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita."
Hurricane Facts and Figures- from the St. Petersburg Times; includes hurricane gallery
Hurricane Lesson Plans and Classroom Activities- from Education World
Hurricane Tracker- from
Hurricane Tracking Activity- from Enchanted Learning
Hurricanes- page includes graphs, maps
Make a Hurricane Spiral- for younger students; three hurricane spirals to cut out
Make Your Own Tracking Map- printable black and white map of the eastern United States
Miami Museum of Science Teacher Resources- a lot here in a friendly user interface
National Hurricane Center- forecasts, tools, podcasts
The Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Intensity Scale- explains each level in detail : Severe Weather and Natural Disasters- site includes quiz
Severe Weather: Hurricanes
Student Hurricane Activities- choose from 10 activities, including a crossword puzzle, quiz and word find
Teacher Guide to Hurricanes and Tornadoes- from TeAchnology;
WatchKnowLearn- 68 videos about hurricanes; covers ages 7-18 (each one labeled for age)
Weather Coloring Books for Kids- includes downloadable posters, videos, more
Weather Wiz Kids- images, diagrams, list of hurricane names
100 Amazing Videos for Teaching and Studying Physics
Amusement Park Physics- provided by the Annenberg Project
Center for History and Physics: Niels Bohr Library and Archives- history of modern physics, astronomy, and geophysics
Khan Academy Physics Videos-
NASA's Amusement Park Physics Days
Newton's Laws
The Physics of Angry Birds- neat article from Wired Magazine
The Physics of Archery
Physics Animations- 10 listed from KScience
The Physics of Baseball
Physics Central- includes a physics blog, podcasts, physics in action, physics in pictures, physics @home and much more
Physics Flash Animations- FLASH required to view
Physics Games- around 90 games here
Physics Interactive Simulations- close to 100 from the University of Colorado at Boulder
Physics Lessons, Tutorials, Help- from the Physics Zone
The Physics of Skateboarding your guide to physics on the Internet
Popular Physics Resources- from TeacherVision
Roller Coasters and Amusement Park Physics
Science Central Physics Resources- loads of subcategories
The Titanium Physicists Podcast- "the boundary between the incomprehensible and the well explained"
50 Physics Lesson Plans for Middle School Students- from Edgalaxy
Lesson Planet Physics Lesson Plans- by grade level
Links to Physics and Astronomy Lesson Plans -by grade level; maintained by the Experimental High Energy Physics Group at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey.
Mrs. Carder's Downloadable Physics Lesson Plans and Labs
Physics Inquiry Lesson Plans
Physics Lesson Plan Links- from the Science Spot
TeAchnology Physics Lesson Plans
All Science Fair Projects- this site boasts that it has "hundreds of science fair projects"; all grade levels
Discovery's Science Fair Central- everything you need to get you started
Earthquake Related Science Projects- from the US Geological Survey
IPL2 Science Fair Project Guide- step-by-step instructions
Prepare For a Science Fair- lesson plan for grades 6-8 from HotChalk
Science Fair Adventure- projects cover every category of science including mathematics and computer science
Science Fair Primer- getting started tips
Science Fair Project Ideas- from; covers grades K-12
The Science Project- ideas for 7th and 8th graders
Science Fair Project Ideas- choose from lists of easy, medium and challenging projects
Science Fair Projects- over 400 to choose from
Science Fair Resources- Science From Scientists
Science Fair Sanity- grades K-12 ideas for download
ScienceBob- this site has loads of "science stuff," and you'll find ideas, videos, research and experiments
Science Buddies- currently 1,073 ideas grouped by area of science
Steps of a Science Fair Project- yup, step-by-step