

The Bill of Rights

Celebrate Bill of Rights Day- list of resources

Congress for Kids: The Constitution

The Constitution- from Ben's Guide to Government

Constitution Clips- from C-Span Classroom; register on the site for free

The Constitution for Grades 4-7

The Constitution for Grades 8-12

Constitution Day Lessons  and Resources- Education World

The Constitution of the United States

Mr. Donn's Government Resources

The Signers of the Constitution- from the National Archives

Interactive Games
The Bill of Rights Game- interactive

Constitution Duel- interactive game; knowledge duel

The Constitutional Convention of 1787- interactive game

Constitution Relay Game

The First Amendment Game- interactive

Interactive Constitution

Life Without the Bill of Rights-interactive game

Lesson Plans
The Constitution: Drafting a More Perfect Union- from the Library of Congress; grades 9-12

Constitution Lesson Plans- by grade level (all covered)

Constitution Day Lesson Plan- from iCivics

It's My Right- grades 6-8

No Time for Tea- grades 3-5

Private v. Public Rights- grades 9-12

Teaching Six Big Ideas in the Constitution- from the National Archives

We the People- lesson plan from Discovery Education

Ben's Guide to Government for Kids- by grade level; resources for teachers

Congress for Kids

The Executive Branch 

Government Resources- from the Library of Congress' Thomas

How Does Government Affect Me?- from PBS' The Democracy Project

Legislative Branch

NeoK12- different grade level videos

United States House of Representitives

United States Senate

The White House Official Site

Interactive Games
Activate- campaign for an issue

Branches of Government

Cast Your Vote- choose questions for your candidates to debate

Immigration Nation- guide newcomers to citizenship

Supreme Court History Interactives- nine interactives for high school students

U.S. Government Games and Activities- for younger kids

We The Jury- iCivics has provided many interactive games

Lesson Plans
Civics and Government Lesson Plans- from the Library of Congress

Foundations of Government- from iCivics

Government Lesson Plansfrom Kids.gov

How Our Laws are Made- terrific infographic

TeacherVision's Lesson Plans on Government

TeAchnology's Government Lesson Plans

Three Branches of Government: Interactive Teaching Unit- grades 5-8

Civics Clip Art
Google Image Search- large images for printing

Scholastic- 22 images

American 3D Civil War- use the Google Earth plug to view

The American Civil War- from EDSITEment

American Civil War Collections- includes letters, texts, newspapers, student projects

American Civil War Flashcards-27 cards (Flashcard Machine)

The American Civil War Resources- from EyeWitness to History; some sites listed are interactive

Animated Gettysburg Address:

The Center for Civil War Photography- retouched photos, 3D exhibit

The Civil War- PBS film by Ken Burns

The Civil War Across Disciplines
- from the Library of Congress; how to use primary sources when teaching about the Civil War

Civil War Battlefield Medicine- primary sources, Civil War doctors, common medical terms

The Civil War Collection
- over 30 million documents

Civil War Flashcards- 35 cards (Quizlet)

The Civil War Home Page
- includes official records, photos, battle maps

Civil War Interactive Poster- from Teaching History.org

Civil War Letters Collection- from libraries at the University of Washington

Civil War Potpourri- list of links

The Civil War and Reconstruction Era- free Yale course taught by Professor David W. Blight; view the course here

Civil War Sheet Music Collection- Library of Congress

Documenting the American South- thousands of links on this site

The Gettysburg Address- from the Library of Congress

Mr. Lincoln's Virtual Library- around 20,000 items, including correspondence and papers; Library of Congress

Outline of the Civil War- from Great American History

Pennsylvania Civil War 150- interactive map, interactive timeline, interactive soldier, artifacts showcase

Portraits of Named Civil War Enlisted Men- from the Prints and Photographs Reading Room (Library of Congress)

Teaching the Civil War With Technology- this wonderful blog is all about the Civil War, including curriculum resources (webquests, lesson plans) NOTE: not all links are up-to-date.

Timeline of the Civil War- from the Library of Congress

14 Lessons on the Civil War- includes interactive and printed quizzes

Civil War Lesson Plans- from social studies teacher

Civil War Lesson Plans- for all grades K-12; other resources and activities listed

The Civil War: A Nation Divided- for grades 6-8 from Discovery Education

Civil War Photographs: The Matthew Brady Bunch Collection- from grades 6-12 from the Library of Congress

Civil War: A Terrible Swift Sword- for grades 9-12 from EDSITment

Map the Civil War Lesson Plan- grades 4-7

Mission U.S.- a revolutionary way to learn history

TeacherVision Resources for the Civil War- includes lesson plans, slideshows, printables, quizzes, reference

Teaching with Historic Places- nice listing of lesson plans from the National Park Service

Voices of Bull Run- for grades 5-8

Women in the Civil War: Ladies, Contraband and Spies- for grades 6-12 from the Library of Congress

10 Interactive 13 Colonies Maps- from Mr. Nussbaum's site

13 Originals: Founding the American Colonies

A to Z Teacher Stuff
- lesson plans and printables on colonial America

America During the Age of the Revolution- timeline covers 1764-1775

American Memory- photographs, manuscripts. rare books, maps, recorded sound and movies

The American Revolution- interactive lessons for K-8

American Revolution Resources- from the Library of Congress

The American Revolution and its Era- maps and charts of North America and the West Indies

The American Revolution Center- "a living memorial to the American Revolution and its enduring legacy."

American Revolution Crossword Puzzle- from New York Times Learning Network

American Revolution Timeline

America's Story- children's site from the Library of Congress

Archiving Early America- primary source materials include portraits from original newspapers, maps, writings, and music.

The Battle of Bunker Hill- Massachusetts Historical Society's web exhibition

Ben Franklin and His Inventions

Betsy Ross: Her Life-biography of the woman who sewed the American flag

Biographies of the Founding Fathers

Civil Rights News and Information- i.e. affirmative action, hate crimes, voting rights etc.

Colonial America Rare Maps Collection

Colonial America Resources- lessons and printables cover grades K-12

Colonial Currency

Colonial House
- Behind the scenes of this PBS movie, with lesson plans, audio and video and a section of resources.

Colonial Life in Early America- from Kid info; covers clothing, currency, economy, education and much more

Colonial Newspapers

Colonial Williamsburg- official site

Colonization and Settlement- resources form the Library of Congress

Daily Life in the Colonies- from the PBS website, Liberty! The American Revolution.

The Declaration of Independence

Digital History- extensive site has multimedia, primary sources, historic newspapers, interactive time line and so much more!

Early America's Digital Archive
- covers 1492-1820

Eyewitness to History -history through eyes of the ones who lived it

Fifty States- this site allows you to access the home page for each state, including the state bird, tree, flower, flag, car license plate and state song.

Historical Documents- University of Oklahoma College of Law's site contains documents from pre-colonial times to the present. Also has a guide to American flags.

History of Jamestown

Liberty! The American Revolution-"These newspaper Chronicles let you experience first-hand the excitement and uncertainty of the American Revolution as it happened. Click on a city to read about the riveting historical headlines that shaped the war and America."

Mapping Colonial New England: Looking at the Landscape
- from NEH

The Mayflower Compact

Mayflower History
- includes Pilgrim history, the Mayflower passenger list, Mayflower genealogy

Mission U.S.- a revolutionary way to learn history

NeoK12- quizzes and videos on the American Revolution

An Outline of American History- first chapter is on colonial America

Paul Revere Virtual Museum

Pilgrim Hall Museum- explains the Pilgrim story, including Thanksgiving

The Real Pocahontas- compares the real Pocahontas with the movie character

Revolutionary War Animated

Revolutionary War Biographies

The Road to Independence Simulation- webquest written by students

Salem Witch Hunt
- interactive from National Geographic

Salem Witch Museum

Salem Witch Trials- biographical information

Salem Witch Trials-documents and participants

Teacher Guide to the American Colonies- TeAchnology's

TeacherVision- printables and lessons on colonial America; covers grades K-12

United States History Timeline- covers all years, including a timeline of the American Revolution

United States Newspapers- covers 1700s; from the Library of Congress collection

Virtual Jamestown-  ongoing teaching and learning project

Virtual Marching Tour of the American Revolution

What Do You Think Ben Meant?- words of wisdom from Ben Franklin

Witches and Witchcraft in New England and Salem
- list of resources from About.com

Words and Deeds in American History- chronological listing


BBC News Online

CNN- news clips, video clips; excellent site

The CNN Challenge- take an interactive quiz to see how much you know about current events

Current Events Printables- from TeacherVision; by grade level

FOX News- known to be more conservative

Frontline- PBS program

Google Directory- with 8 categories to search, including natural disasters, politics and breaking news

Google News Archive Search- search the world or by country

Guzzle- customize your page to receive hundreds of feeds

HeadlineSpot- comprehensive listing for all types of news

Issues and Causes- from the Yahoo! Directory; long list includes climate change, race and racism

Izzit.org- lesson plans for current events are updated daily

Mapeas- world news on a map

Morning Rush!- Top 5 morning show moments are updated daily

News Currents- covers grades 4-12

News in Pictures- list of close to a hundred sites of news galleries, including ABC News, MSNBC and Reuters

Newseum- "814 front pages from 78 countries"

Newsmap- visual display of daily news shows larger type for more important stories; choose from 15 countries

NewspaperMap- choose your language from a world map; directly link to the website for that paper 

Student News Daily- wonderful site

This Day in History- History Channel

The Week in Rap from Flocabulary- at a cost of $5/month, students will love the connection to music

Animaps- create and view beautifully informative maps

Best Blogs for Geography Geeks- 50 listed

Geography for Kids- listing created by teacher Kathy Mitchell

Geography From Space Quiz 2009- from the Smithsonian

Geography Online- huge listing of lesson plans, sites, games and printable puzzles for geography teachers

Geography Sites- from Internet4Teachers

Geography Teacher Resources- from TeacherVision

Geosense- interactive; students test their geographic knowledge alone or against other online players.

Google Earth Cool Places- "weird, cool beautiful places"

History Pin- "a way for millions of people to come together, from across different generations, cultures and places, to share small glimpses of the past and to build up the huge story of human history."

Library of Congress Map Collections- primary source documents

Maplandia- Google maps world gazetteer; covers over 2 million place around the globe

Mapping for Everyone- free mapping tools; create maps online

National Atlas- produce maps of all kids; hundreds of types available

National Geographic Maps- lesson plans, activities and other educator resources

Newspaper Map- shows the locations of newspapers around the world

Physical Geography Sites- from Pro Teacher

Quikmaps-doodle on Google

Scribble Maps- from Google; draw on Google maps

Seterra Online- free map quiz games; 16 languages offered

Show World- interactive world map

Toporopa- geography of Europe

Worldmapper-  a collection of  700 world maps, where territories are re-sized on each map according to the subject of interest.

Discovery Education Geography Lesson Plans
Geography Lesson Plans- from the Awesome Library
Geography Lesson Plans- Teachers.net
Map Activities
Mr.Donn's Geography Lesson Plans, Games and Learning Modules
ProTeacher!  -map lesson plans

d-maps- close to 26,000 printable maps
Maps of the World- printables 
Megamaps- 10 collections of maps which can be printed at any size, whether small or large
Outline Maps- print outs for your students


Adolph Hitler Speech:

The Anne Frank Museum

Classroom Holocaust Museum- set up a classroom as a Holocaust museum

History Channel- about Adolph Hitler

Hitler and the Nazis- from Glencoe; interactive with videos and photos

Holocaust Evidence- from Awesome Stories

The Holocaust Memorial Center- located in Farmington Hills, MI

Holocaust Resources- teaching resources from the NY Times Learning Network

Holocaust Remembrance Day 

Holocaust Survivor Stories-"Read the stories of the survivors. Hear them speak. Look at their family photographs. Consult our encyclopedia. Read a historical introduction to the Holocaust. Leave your thoughts or ask your questions on our discussion page."

Holocaust: The Untold Story- from Newseum

How Stuff Works- videos about the Holocaust

Kristallnacht in Words and Photographs- from Time Magazine; "Seventy years later, survivors share their recollections of the day the Holocaust began, in material drawn from Centropa.org, a website devoted to preserving the memory of Jewish life in Central Europe before the rise of the Nazis."

Lessons of Auschwitz Interactive Feature- from CBS News

Literature Related to the Holocaust - includes the Diary of Anne Frank, The Book Thief and The Boy in the Striped Pajamas.

Maus- this is comic book version of the Holocaust; read an excerpt here at Amazon; not well received by the Jewish people

Memory of the Camps- Frontline presentation

Life After the Holocaust-production from the National Holocaust Museum

Life in the Shadows- production from the National Holocaust Museum

Museum of History and Holocaust Education- housed at the KSU Center on Kennesaw State University's extended campus

The Museum of Tolerance 

Night Study Guide- book written by Elie Weisel

The Nizkor Project- Camp Belzec

The Nizkor Project- gas chambers

The Nizkor Project- medical experimentation

The Secret Annex Online- take an interactive tour of the place where Anne Frank and her family hid from the Nazis

Simon Weisenthal Center 

The Story of Miep Gies- biography of the woman who hid Anne Frank and her family from the Nazis; Scholastic

A Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust- site includes photos, maps, videos, quizzes, music, museums and much more.

Telling Their Stories- oral histories of the Holocaust

US Holocaust Museum Educators' Toolbox- maintained by Cynthia Peterman

United States Holocaust Museum Propaganda Artifact Gallery- huge collection of photos and movies
Videos on the Holocaust- from How Stuff Works

We Remember Anne Frank- from Scholastic

WWII Concentration Camps- interactive maps and photos

Civic Quotes"notable quotations from a variety of U.S. government leaders over the years "

Constitution for iPad- a copy of the Constitution on your iPad

Constitution and Federalist Papers- full text of the Constitution, 85 of the Federalist papers and more

My Congress- information on all  U.S. Congressional officials

Pocket Law Firm- game

The Presidency- for elementary and middle school students

3D National Parks Lite- 2 national parks on this version; 28 on the full version

Atlas for iPad

Earth Viewer- "EarthViewer is like a time machine for exploring Earth’s deep history. Based on the latest scientific research, it lets you scroll through the last 4.5 billion years with your fingertips."

Geo Photo Explorer"
an easy way to explore, organize, manage photo galleries and share photos from Google Panoramio and Flick."

Google Earth

History: Maps of the World- interactive maps

Historypin"reveals photos near your current location and allows you to view them layered over the modern scene in front of you. You can also explore Collections of some of the best old photos from around the world, wherever you are."

Sphere 360º Photography"See Paris from a hot air balloon, feel the energy from the American ldol stage, and hold onto your raft as you approach Hubbard Glacier."

Stack the States Lite"
learn state capitals, shapes, geographic locations, flags and more"
StrataLogica- much more than a geography reference tool

American Revolution Interactive Timeline for iPad- developed by the Museum of the American Revolution

Beyond Textbooks 2010: American History Games- from Pearson Education

Civil War Lite: History Challenge

Clever Crazes You the Time Traveler- for grades K-8

Discovery Education Techbook- if your school has Discovery Education Social Studies Techbook services

Early Jamestown- interactive textbook tells the story of Jamestown

History Line"History Line is a collaborative learning game for the iPad focusing on US History. The game can be played by 1-6 players."

iAmerica: The Pocket Guide to United States History and the Presidency

Infinity Ring: Revenge of the Redcoats- "Revenge of the Redcoats is set in Washington, DC, during the War of 1812. Dak, Sera, and fellow HystorianRiq have to convince Dolley Madison to leave the White House—before the SQ burns it to the ground!"

James Madison's Montpelier- "
makes history come alive at Montpelier, the historic home and grounds of President James Madison, the Father of the Constitution, and his vivacious wife Dolley. See the Madisons’ works of art and fine china, explore the latest archaeological excavations, and even discover the hiking trails of the Landmark Forest, all in stunning detail with interactive maps and image galleries."

Mapping Revolutionary Boston- interactive map of Boston during 1760s and 1770s

Mission U.S.: Think Fast! About the Pasta- "
fast-paced trivia game that introduces hundreds of fascinating facts about different eras of American history."

National Archives Docs Teach- choose from various activities to teach about historic events 

The Revolution: Interactive Guide- for high school students

Social Studies Friendzy- for grades K-8

TED Talks- inspiring, motivational talks on various subjects

To the Brink: JFK and the Cuban Missile Crisis- photographs, documents, and recording from the National Archives come to life in this app

Today in History Lite- over 100k historical events

U.S. History Timeline

AP World History- 8,000 BCE to the present

BBC History Magazine- from Romans to Henry VIII to Winston Churchill

Classical World Lite: History Challenge-  ancient Greece and Rome

Cold War Lite: History Challenge

European Exploration: The Age of Discovery

Napoleon: History Challenge Lite

World History Games- Middle school; "More than 100 different games cover dozens of topics, such as Ancient Rome and the Rise of Christianity, The Muslim World, Spread of Civilizations in East Asia, Kingdoms and Trading States of Africa, The Industrial Revolution, World War II and its Aftermath, and more."

WWI Lite: History Challenge

WWII Lite: History Challenge

Bartelby.com- search "political corruption" and you'll get results from all over the world

Chicago Times Articles on Political Corruption

Daryl Cagle's Political Corruption Cartoons- many cartoonists represented here from all over the country

Government Statistics- chart shows corruption by country

Infoplease Encyclopedia

Newsweek Magazine- articles on political corruption

N.J. Corruption- my state has been in the news a lot lately...

Political Cartoons- democracy and corruption

Political Corruption in American History- this timeline covers 1760-2010

Political Corruption Lesson Plans- from the Lesson Planet
Presidential Scandals

Rage Against the Machine- N.Y.Times lesson plan compares Blagjovich scandal with a Times article about machine politics from 1876.

Rod Blagjovich- Illinois Governor who was impeached for trying to sell Obama's vacated senate seat

TeacherVision Resources on Political Corruption

Time Magazine- articles on political corruption

Timeline for Scandals in American History- from Google; covers 1900-2009


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