25 Creative Writing Prompts- from Writing Forward
698 Free Worksheets- each sheet is marked as PR, IN, ADV for your grade level; ESL teachers can use these as well
The Best Places to Read and Write "Choose Your Own Adventure" Stories- terrific listing from Larry Ferlazzo
Boomwriter- Sections include StoryWriter, ProjectWriter, and WordWriter
Classroom Writing Ideas- Pinterest board covers writing and picture prompts, worksheets for younger students
Creative Writing Worksheets- for younger grades
Collaborize Classroom- free collaborative education forum
Creative Writing Ideas/Lesson Plans- Pinterest board
Creative Writing Lesson Plans- @Web English Teacher
Creative Writing Lesson Plans- from Scholastic; K-12 covered
Creative Writing Teacher Resources- from Teachervision; by grade level
Developing a Fictional Narrative- from Education World
ESL Creative Writing Prompts- nice listing
Fakebook- students set up a fake Facebook page
Lino- free sticky and canvas service; works on computer, Android and iPad/iPhone
PicLit- creative writing prompts
Picture This! Building Photo-Based Writing Skills- lesson from the NY Times Learning Network
Quill- many interactive writing lessons with quizzes already made for the teacher; includes Quill Proofreader, Quill Grammar, and Quill Writer.
ReadWriteThink- lesson plans for English-Language Learners for K-12
Skills Practice:Writing Effective Openings- from the NY Times
TeAchnology Writing Lesson Plans
Visual Writing Prompts- sections for grades 3-5, 6-8 and 9-12

English and Language Arts-Based Lesson Plans-the Lesson Plans Page; grades noted when you choose the lesson
Growing Up With Crayons-lesson for upper elementary/middle school level; from EBSCO
Interactive Whiteboard Activities- from Scholastic; grades K-9
Language Arts Lessons- from ReadWriteThink; covers K-12 (grades are labeled)
Language Arts Lesson Plans-from TeAchnology
Literature and Language Arts Lessons- from EDSITEment; grades K-12
PBS Learning Media-covers English Language Arts and Literacy; all grades; choose from many subcategories
Smithsonian Education-varied topics cover grades K-12
Spelling City Lesson Plans- vocabulary; videos, worksheets, games
Teachit Lesson Plans- vast number of resources!
Top 25 Lesson Plans for 2011- from Thinkfinity; grades are labeled- K-12
World of Poetry
Cliche Finder- 3,300 index cliches
Common Core English Language Arts Resources- from ShareMyLesson
Curriki's Language Arts Resources-small listing covers all grades
English ELA Review Games- pick your grade level
Funbrain Game Finder
Grammar, Usage and Mechanics- from Writer's Choice; grade 9
Guide to Grammar and Writing- over 400 references
Hemingway- students can analyze their writing with this app
Integrating Technology into the Language Arts classroom
Language Arts for Middle and High School- long listing
Language Arts Games on Gamequairium
Middle School Reading Interactives- listing includes language interactives, grammar help, general comprehension stories and much more
Online Language Arts Games- from TeacherVision
PicLits- inspired picture writing
Popular Technology Resources for Reading and Language Arts- covers K-12; from TeacherVision
Powerpoint Presentations on Authors- for grades K-6
Reading, Writing, Grammar- Mr. Donn's extensive site is loaded with resources for K-12
Teaching English as a Language- from Web English Teacher; links for ELL and ESL teachers
We Are Teachers- reading, grammar, spelling vocabulary
Writing Prompts- huge listing of resources!
60 Second Shakespeare- students create their 60-second interpretation of Shakespeare; BBC site
Absolute Shakespeare- plays are listed by comedies, histories and tragedies; find study guides and trivia
The App's the Thing: Shakespeare Goes Social- iPad app for The Tempest
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare- M.I.T. site
eNotes- study guides and lesson plans
Folger Shakespeare Library
Free Kids Word Searches-Some Shakespeare Plays
How to Teach Critical Analysis of Romeo and Juliet to High Schoolers
In Search of Shakespeare- from PBS; covers grades K-12
Insults By Shakespeare- lesson from TED-ED
Interactive Folio: Romeo and Juliet
698 Free Worksheets- each sheet is marked as PR, IN, ADV for your grade level; ESL teachers can use these as well
The Best Places to Read and Write "Choose Your Own Adventure" Stories- terrific listing from Larry Ferlazzo
Boomwriter- Sections include StoryWriter, ProjectWriter, and WordWriter
Classroom Writing Ideas- Pinterest board covers writing and picture prompts, worksheets for younger students
Creative Writing Worksheets- for younger grades
Collaborize Classroom- free collaborative education forum
Creative Writing Ideas/Lesson Plans- Pinterest board
Creative Writing Lesson Plans- @Web English Teacher
Creative Writing Lesson Plans- from Scholastic; K-12 covered
Creative Writing Teacher Resources- from Teachervision; by grade level
Developing a Fictional Narrative- from Education World
ESL Creative Writing Prompts- nice listing
Fakebook- students set up a fake Facebook page
Lino- free sticky and canvas service; works on computer, Android and iPad/iPhone
PicLit- creative writing prompts
Picture This! Building Photo-Based Writing Skills- lesson from the NY Times Learning Network
Quill- many interactive writing lessons with quizzes already made for the teacher; includes Quill Proofreader, Quill Grammar, and Quill Writer.
ReadWriteThink- lesson plans for English-Language Learners for K-12
Skills Practice:Writing Effective Openings- from the NY Times
TeAchnology Writing Lesson Plans
Visual Writing Prompts- sections for grades 3-5, 6-8 and 9-12

Digital Directors Guild- assists educators with their digital storytelling projects
Digital Storytelling in the Classroom- from Microsoft Education
Digital Storytelling Tools for Educators- 120 page pamphlet (download) written by Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano (Creative Commons Attribution 2.5)
Making Stopmotion Movies- information on how to create stopmotion and claymation movies
Tech4Learning Blog- lots of wonderful posts regarding ways to tell stories, including claymation
Tech4Learning Blog- lots of wonderful posts regarding ways to tell stories, including claymation
Aniboom- animation studio
Animoto- create video slide shows
Big Universe- for younger children
Chogger- create comics
ClassikTV- create a movie by adding subtitles to old movie scenes
Creaza- suite of creative tools, including cartoonist, movie editor, audio editor and mindmaps
DigiTales- create 3-5 minute stories from these types: living memories, beyond words, itza wrap
Do Ink- create Flash-style animations using a "simple and friendly vector editor
Domo Animate- free animation website offers characters with dialogue, backdrops and special effects
Glogster- drag and drop text, images, audio, video drawings and more; premium edition has no ads
Google Search Stories- uses YouTube, so if your school blocks it you're out of luck
Juxio- interactive posters for the classroom
Kerpoof- make movies, cards, drawings,pictures, tell stories; for grades K-8; site also has lesson plans and teacher tools.
Lightning Bug -assists students in writing a story from finding an idea to finishing the story
Little Bird Tales- for very young children
My eBook- create novels, comics, magazines, brochures
My Story Maker- for younger kids; interactive digital story creator
Myths and Legends- online digital storytelling site
Our Story- create a collaborative timeline
PicLits- students are given a picture with a list of keywords to inspire them to write a story about that picture
Picture Book Maker- create an online children's book
Pinball- helps students get started with ideas which are bounced around
Projeqt- visual storytelling
Shiddoni- create an imaginary world with animals
Simplebooklet- create online newsletters, presentations (education version)
Smilebox- mix photos, videos and music into a multimedia presentation
Stage'd- create animated comics
Storybird- "short, art-inspired stories you make to share, read and print
Storyboard Template-choice of different templates
ThumbScribes- online collaboration of poems, short stories, fiction, novellas
Tikatok- for younger children
Voice Thread- group conversations around images, documents, videos; Voice Thread in the Classroom.
Xtranormal-create online movies using their characters who speak what you write for them; $$
ZooBurst-create a 3D pop-up book
10 Great Language Arts Lessons- from We Are Teachers;
Discovery Education Lesson Plans-covers grades 9-12; over 500 listed!
English and Language Arts-Based Lesson Plans-the Lesson Plans Page; grades noted when you choose the lesson
Growing Up With Crayons-lesson for upper elementary/middle school level; from EBSCO
Interactive Whiteboard Activities- from Scholastic; grades K-9
Language Arts Lesson Plans-from TeAchnology
Literature and Language Arts Lessons- from EDSITEment; grades K-12
PBS Learning Media-covers English Language Arts and Literacy; all grades; choose from many subcategories
Smithsonian Education-varied topics cover grades K-12
Spelling City Lesson Plans- vocabulary; videos, worksheets, games
Teachit Lesson Plans- vast number of resources!
Top 25 Lesson Plans for 2011- from Thinkfinity; grades are labeled- K-12

Acrostic Poems- from ReadWriteThink; interactive
Best Books for Teaching About Poetry- from Education World; for young students
Complete Classics- "10,171 poems from 1,082 classic poets"
Giggle Poetry- humorous children's verse on the Web
Haiku- from PBS Parents; interactive
Handbook of Rhetorical Devices
Instant Poetry Forms- students choose from a list of titles and add their own words to create a poem
Library of Congress Poetry Lessons
Handbook of Rhetorical Devices
Instant Poetry Forms- students choose from a list of titles and add their own words to create a poem
Library of Congress Poetry Lessons
Magnetic Poetry for Kids- interactive site
Poem Hunter- 310,931 poems from 24,752 poets
Poetry- from Questia, the world's largest online library resource list
Poetry 180- a poem a day for high school students from the Library of Congress
The Poetry Archive- browse poets and poems
Poetry Class- poetry lessons
Poetry Everywhere- PBS series
Poetry Foundation's Learning Lab- find a glossary of poetry terms here
Poetry Foundation's Learning Lab- find a glossary of poetry terms here
Poetry for Kids- you will find games, lessons, contests here, all based on the works of children's poet Kenn Nesbitt.
Poetry Idea Machine- from Scholastic
Poetry Resources for Teachers- long list from TeacherVision; grade levels marked for every item (K-12)
Poetry Teachers- ideas for poetry contests, theater, and activities for the classroom.
Shadow Poetry- definitions for over 100 types of poetry, examples included; also poetry guide
Sonnet Central
Sonnets.org- archive of English sonnets, commentary, links and a forum for poets to share and discuss their works.
Types of Poetry
Sonnets.org- archive of English sonnets, commentary, links and a forum for poets to share and discuss their works.
Types of Poetry
World of Poetry
Cliche Finder- 3,300 index cliches
Common Core English Language Arts Resources- from ShareMyLesson
Curriki's Language Arts Resources-small listing covers all grades
English ELA Review Games- pick your grade level
Funbrain Game Finder
Grammar, Usage and Mechanics- from Writer's Choice; grade 9
Guide to Grammar and Writing- over 400 references
Hemingway- students can analyze their writing with this app
Integrating Technology into the Language Arts classroom
Language Arts for Middle and High School- long listing
Language Arts Games on Gamequairium
Middle School Reading Interactives- listing includes language interactives, grammar help, general comprehension stories and much more
Online Language Arts Games- from TeacherVision
PicLits- inspired picture writing
Popular Technology Resources for Reading and Language Arts- covers K-12; from TeacherVision
Powerpoint Presentations on Authors- for grades K-6
Reading, Writing, Grammar- Mr. Donn's extensive site is loaded with resources for K-12
Teaching English as a Language- from Web English Teacher; links for ELL and ESL teachers
We Are Teachers- reading, grammar, spelling vocabulary
Writing Prompts- huge listing of resources!

60 Second Shakespeare- students create their 60-second interpretation of Shakespeare; BBC site
Absolute Shakespeare- plays are listed by comedies, histories and tragedies; find study guides and trivia
The App's the Thing: Shakespeare Goes Social- iPad app for The Tempest
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare- M.I.T. site
eNotes- study guides and lesson plans
Folger Shakespeare Library
Free Kids Word Searches-Some Shakespeare Plays
How to Teach Critical Analysis of Romeo and Juliet to High Schoolers
In Search of Shakespeare- from PBS; covers grades K-12
Insults By Shakespeare- lesson from TED-ED
Interactive Folio: Romeo and Juliet
Internet Shakespeare Editions-"The aim of the Internet Shakespeare Editions is to make scholarly, fully annotated texts of Shakespeare's plays available in a form native to the medium of the Internet. ... The Library itself will contain fully refereed materials only, and in due course will be the core of the Editions; at present, however, there are no fully developed texts yet available."
Shakespeare in the Classroom- from PBS;includes lessons for K-12, teaching Shakespeare with primary sources and much more
Shakespeare Internet Scavenger Hunt- for grades 9-12
Shakespeare Documented- online exhibition about Shakespeare
Shakespeare Documented- online exhibition about Shakespeare
Shakespeare is Elementary- "created by elementary students at Crichton Park School in Nova Scotia"
Shakespeare Magazine- "an educational and learning resource about the works of Shakespeare and the role and influence they have had on our history and language."
Shakespeare Uncovered -from PBS
Shakespeare Magazine- "an educational and learning resource about the works of Shakespeare and the role and influence they have had on our history and language."
Shakespeare Uncovered -from PBS
Shakespeare: Teacher Resources- from TeacherVision; nice listing includes lesson plans, printables, resources
TeachersFirst Shakespeare Resources- choose grade level and find podcasts, lessons
TeacherVision's Shakespeare- printables and lessons
Teaching Shakespeare-from TESGlobal
TeacherVision's Shakespeare- printables and lessons
Teaching Shakespeare-from TESGlobal
WordNet- a lexical database for the English language