100+ Virtual Field Trips- Simple12
CARE Virtual Field Trips Archive- visit Guatemala, Ghana, Peru, Bolivia, Haiti and more
Clay Middle School Virtual Field Trips
Digital and Virtual Field Trips- from TeacherTap
Geology Field Trips
Google LitTrips- covers grades K-12
Mapwing- students can create and share their virtual tour with others
CARE Virtual Field Trips Archive- visit Guatemala, Ghana, Peru, Bolivia, Haiti and more
Clay Middle School Virtual Field Trips
Digital and Virtual Field Trips- from TeacherTap
Geology Field Trips
Google LitTrips- covers grades K-12
Historical Tour of the White House- click "Interactive Tour"
A Hotlist of Virtual Field Trips- mainly for grades K-8, this list covers Internet Resources and subject areas of math, social studies, science, the arts and language arts
Introduction to Electronic Field Trips- from NASA
Mapwing- students can create and share their virtual tour with others
Mountain Visions- interactive tours of mountains and national parks
Take a Museum Field Trip--Without Leaving the Classroom- from Education World
Teaching with Historic Places- contains lesson plans, virtual field trips, this site is set up by the National Park Service's National Register of Historic Places. Organized by place, theme, and time period; highly recommended.
Tramline Science Field Trips- grades are labeled
Virtual Field Trips- from Lee's Summit R7 School District
Virtual Field Trips- from the Utah Educational Network; 12 categories, including library-media, technology and professional development
Virtual Field Trips and Web Museums- nice listing