150 Free Textbooks- meta collection from Open Culture's blog
1,000+ Open Textbooks and Learning Resources for All Subjects
4eBooks- computer programming books; very large collection
Academic eBooks- covers humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, formal sciences and professions & applied sciences.
askSam eBooks and Databases- askSam viewer needed for downloaded books
Bartleby-small site contains classic literature, poetry and reference works.
Bibliotastic-free downloads for indie authors; rating system for titles
BluePortal- computer-related titles, such as Facebook for Dummies, Javascript Bible and the Digital Photography Workflow Handbook.
Bookyards- currently 800,000 ebooks
eBook Lobby- categories include art & photography, children's books, literature & fiction and sports.
eBooks Directory- close to 1700 titles; includes textbooks, lecture notes; updated daily
Flatworld Knowledge- free textbooks
FreeBookSpot- 96 categories and over 4,4000 titles
Free-eBooks- register for free; download on iPhone or computer; includes magazines
Free Computer and IT Books
FreeComputerBooks- 12 major categories and 150 sub-categories; includes tutorials. lecture notes and computer and math eBooks.
FreeBook-s- download for iPad, smartphone or eBook reader; this is a search engine which looks through many collections to find eBooks.
FreeTechBooks- covers computer science, engineering, programming, textbooks and lecture notes.
GetFree eBooks- free legal downloads
Globusz Publishing- ePublishing house which has free downloads
Google Books- thousands of public domain titles for free download
1,000+ Open Textbooks and Learning Resources for All Subjects
4eBooks- computer programming books; very large collection
Academic eBooks- covers humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, formal sciences and professions & applied sciences.
askSam eBooks and Databases- askSam viewer needed for downloaded books
Bartleby-small site contains classic literature, poetry and reference works.
Bibliotastic-free downloads for indie authors; rating system for titles
BluePortal- computer-related titles, such as Facebook for Dummies, Javascript Bible and the Digital Photography Workflow Handbook.
Bookyards- currently 800,000 ebooks
eBook Lobby- categories include art & photography, children's books, literature & fiction and sports.
eBooks Directory- close to 1700 titles; includes textbooks, lecture notes; updated daily
Flatworld Knowledge- free textbooks
FreeBookSpot- 96 categories and over 4,4000 titles
Free-eBooks- register for free; download on iPhone or computer; includes magazines
Free Computer and IT Books
FreeComputerBooks- 12 major categories and 150 sub-categories; includes tutorials. lecture notes and computer and math eBooks.
FreeBook-s- download for iPad, smartphone or eBook reader; this is a search engine which looks through many collections to find eBooks.
FreeTechBooks- covers computer science, engineering, programming, textbooks and lecture notes.
GetFree eBooks- free legal downloads
Globusz Publishing- ePublishing house which has free downloads
Google Books- thousands of public domain titles for free download
KnowFree- ebooks, video training, educational materials; IT books and magazines
Kobo- includes NY Times Bestsellers, Oprah's Book Club
Kobo- includes NY Times Bestsellers, Oprah's Book Club
ManyBooks- more than 29,000 eBooks; download to iPod, eBook reader or PDA
Memoware- some categories include literature, (biography, horror, children, western...) reference, (education, computers, history..)
Project Gutenberg- 15,00 titles, all in the public domain. Easy download text files written in ASCII; readable on all computers.
Science Books Online- textbooks, lecture notes, monographs
The Universal Library- hosted by Carnegie Mellon University, it has one million titles, most of which are older works (before 1923)