Friday, October 7, 2011

39 Sites For Using iPads in the Classroom

How Much Did Steve Jobs Change the World? You might be reading this on your iPhone, iPad or computer, but whether or not you have a Macintosh or a PC, Steve Jobs is responsible for so much of the technology we are using today. Did you know that Windows computers copied the drop-down window interface from Apple computers? Yes, all true. So today, when the power went out in the school and we couldn't get on the Internet, I noticed what an important part of my life technology has become. Talk about making a dent in the world. Jobs' legacy will live on in generations to come. Here are 39 sites for using one of Jobs' greatest innovations: THE iPAD.

5 Great iPad Apps For Early Childhood Teachers

10 iPad Apps Everyone Should Have- from PC Magazine

10 Must Have iPad Apps for Students and Teachers

10 Ways to Use iPads in Your Classroom

40 iPad Apps Librarians Love

40 Most Awesome iPad Apps for Science Students

50+ iPad Apps By a Geography Teacher

62 Interesting Ways to Use an iPad in the Classroom

100 Incredibly Useful and Free iPad Apps

Best Academic Reference Apps for the iPad- some $$, some free

A Day in the Life of the iPad Classroom

The Debate Over iPads in Education

Digital Storytelling with the iPad

An Incredible Way to Teach Music Using iPads in the Classroom- from Edudemic

Five Ways Readers Are Using iPads in the Classroom

Getting Started With iPads- site is constantly being updated

How to Access Over 30,000 Free Books For the iPad

How to Set Up Class iPads and iPods

iPad Apps- from Teach With Your iPad Wiki

iPad Apps for Kids in the Classroom

iPad Apps for Physical Education

iPad Apps for Social Studies- LiveBinder covers civics and government, geography and culture, U.S. history, world history.

iPad Resources I Can Use- comprehensive LiveBinder

iPads For Education

iPads in the Classroom- Kathy Schrock's web site

iPads in School- this blog is all about just that

iPads in Schools LiveBinder- comprehensive site

iPads in Science

Math That Moves: Embracing the iPad in the Classroom- New York Times

Mobile Learning 4 Special Needs

Pros and Cons of iPads in the Classroom- from Forbes Magazine

Quick List of iPad Resources For the Classroom- from Steven Anderson's blog

Road Show- Browse your favorite websites — Vimeo, Funny or Die, MSNBC, TED Talks, and thousands more — to find great videos.

ScreenChomp- app for the iPad; share lessons on your iPad

Snag Films iPad App- free full length documentaries

Top 20 iPad Apps for Teachers

The Ultimate Guide to Using iPads in the Classroom- from Cool Stuff For Nerdy Teachers

The Ultimate Guide to Using iPads in the Classroom- from Edudemic

Using My iPad in the Classroom This Year- the Nerdy Teacher


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