
Saturday, August 6, 2011

WOW! 100 Interactive Games, Lessons and Quizzes For Your Students

Hopefully you have been bookmarking sites you'd like to use with your students in the new school year. The collection on this page covers the main subject areas: Social Studies, Language Arts, Technology, Science, Math and Foreign Language. I could have continued on and on but thought at some point I needed to stop. Be sure and add any sites you like to use. I can always edit this page at any time. Enjoy!

Geography/ History
GeoGame- interactive geography game

Geography Hangman

Geography IQ-online world atlas "packed with geographic, economic, political, historical & cultural information".

HyperHistory Online- over 2,000 files covering 3,000 years of world history

InfoPlease Interactive Atlas- from Fact Monster

Learn About Finland- for grades 9-12; video clips & quizzes

Lewis and Clark- from National Geographic

Mr. Nussbaum's Social Studies Games- grades 2-5

The Oregon Trail- interactive site produced by History

Salem Witch Hunt- interactive from National Geographic

States Web Games- locate the state, place the state, state postal abbreviations, state capitals etc. Different levels.

Algebra Flash Cards

Algebra Matching

BasketMath Interactive- exponents (in Spanish and English)

Billy Bug- helps middle school kids learn coordinates

Billy Bug 2- a new quest for middle schoolers

Fish Tank-probability

Hitting the Target- learning angles through sports

Hooda Math Games- geometry, arithmetic, logic

Interactive Mathematics Miscellany & Puzzles- History of math, math glossary; GRADES K-12

MathCar Racing- integers

MathDork- view 10 of 24 lessons for free; animated algebra lessons

Motivating Math- practical math for people on the go

Mr. Nussbaum's Math Games- color coated by grade level; mainly for younger kids

Online Graphing Calculator- Java mathematical graphing system

Sumdog- free math games

Virtual Coin Toss-probability

Mind Games
Brainbashers-brainteasers, puzzles, riddles, games and optical illusions

Play With Your Mind-collection of original mind games and IQ tests

The Amazing Human Body

The Atoms Family- from the Museum of Science in Miami, FL

Edheads- virtual knee surgery, weather, machines

Gadget Anatomy- site has an Inventor's Toolbox

Human Body- for Middle School (6th,7th)

Science Stumpers- play against your classmates

The Virtual Body- site is in English or Spanish

Virtual Open Heart Surgery- from the Australian Broadcasting Network; very cool!

The Bully Roundup- online board game

Career Capture- explore stories of women who use technology

The Carnegie Cyber Academy- Internet safety

Click-n-Learn JR- parts of the computer (interactive learning)

Dance Mat Typing- 4 levels to practice keyboarding

Find the Technology- from ABCya; for younger kids

How Do Computers Work?- keyboarding, computer parts, using a mouse

Online Safety Quiz

Technology: Grades 3-6- from the Utah Education Network; games cover keyboarding, hardware/software and Internet safety
Three Cyberpigs- interactive story teaches young kids about Internet safety

World Languages
Digital Dialects- covers 60 languages

Language Games- choose from 5 different languages: English, French, Spanish, Italian, German

Language Gain- 10 different languages

Vocabulary Games