
Friday, August 5, 2011

Here Are 88 Online Sites to Find Streaming Video

Looking for videos for your class? Let me rephrase that. Looking for free online videos to stream to your classroom? There is SO much out on the web which is free for the taking. This is a megalist of those places where you can find educational videos. 

American Memory Collection: Original Format- from the Library of Congress; primary sources

American Museum of Natural History- YouTube channel

American Presidents- life portraits, biographical facts, presidential places, key events in their presidencies Video Almanac
- events listed by decade

Conversations With History- 500 interviews

Digital History
- stories about American History

Documentary Film Network- currently 186 films

Ease History- over 400 historical events from 1900-present

FedFlix- free United States Government films free political documentaries

Have Fun With History

The History Channel-great speeches online

The National Archives - collaboration with Google

Reel American History- from Lehigh University's Digital Library

Snag Films- free full length documentaries

How-To Video
Adobe TV- tutorials for all Adobe products, including Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver

Graspr- "instructional video network"

HowCast- how-to videos

How Stuff Works

Learn It In 5- how-to videos; classroom strategies

Planet Photoshop- tutorials from NAPP guru Corey Barker

PupilTube- 35,000 how-to videos

Tech Tutor- 512 tutorials for software programs


22 Frames- captioned videos; long list of languages

Art Babble- videos on artists and types of art biographies on actors, musicians, historical figures, mobsters and more

Center for Digital Storytelling- videos of people and their personal stories

CosmoLearning- academic and extra-curricular subjects


DocumentaryZ- 24 categories;  includes 9/11, environmental, mystery, music

Dot Sub- "any video, any language"

Educational Videos- over 25 categories different $$ levels

Edutopia Videos- for all grades, teachers


Free Movies Online- comedies, mystery, drama, war

Frontline- from PBS

The Futures Channel- educational videos

Internet Archive- moving image archive

John Locker- free online documentaries

MonkeySee- student skills, how-to, careers/job advice

NeoK12- educational videos

Next Vista for Learning- understanding cultures, how to's and people making a difference in the world

Nonfiction Documentaries- about 170 on the site

Open Culture Free Movies Online- 380 available

PBS Video
- loads of full length videos

POV- documentaries with a point of view

Scholar Spot- videos for science, technology, politics and more

SchoolTube- import video from YouTube (see my guide in the right hand column)

Surf the Channel- search documentary section from A to Z; very long list

TeacherTube- upload your own video or watch other teacher videos

TedTalks- inspiring and thought provoking speeches

Top Documentary Films
- free documentaries online

ViewMyTV- free videos from over 180+ countries

Vimeo- 17 categories of videos, including education and DIY, science/tech and sports

WatchKnowLearn- free educational videos in 17 categories

The Week in Rap- from the creators of Flocabulary, weekly news is presented in the form of rap music

WGBH Open Vault- from the PBS station WGBH Boston

YouTube Education- if your school doesn't block it, YouTube has an incredible collection of videos

ABC News

CBS News

Clip Syndicate- news clips from various news stations in the U.S.

CNN Student News

C-Span Video Library- political

Current TV


Hulu- NBC News Time Capsule


New York Times Videos


Pop! Tech- "
a global community of cutting-edge leaders, thinkers, and doers from many different disciplines, who come together to explore the social impact of new technologies, the forces of change shaping our future, and new approaches to solving the world’s most significant challenges."

Reuters Video Index

Science and Math
Brightstorm- 2,000 free math videos

Davidson College Biology Department- videos on cells, DNA

Discovery Channel


Khan Academy

Math A Tube

Math TV- basic math, algebra, geometry, calculus, trigonometry

NASA Multimedia Gallery


National Geographic Webcasts- exploring the past, masters of photography, special programs, quest for adventure

NOVA Online-categories include: anthropology, disasters, earth, exploration, health, history, investigations, nature, physics and math, space, tech

PBS Nature Video Database- available in Windows media, Quicktime and RealPlayer

Teachers' Domain Multimedia Resources-earth/space science, engineering, life science and physical science

Untamed Science- biology, biodiversity

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Multimedia Gallery