
Saturday, July 16, 2011

44 Professional Development Opportunities

Need professional development credits? Seems that today with all the budget cuts, the only way to get a salary increase is to move across guide as well as up a step. Some will give you graduate credit and some are actually FREE! At any rate, this list should give you more than enough resources to accomplish that task.

21st Century Schools
- short list of online courses

360 Education Solutions- online professional development; huge listing links to many universities

Canter -development online; graduate credit

Capella University -online coursework

Colorado State University- online graduate courses

Education Week Teacher PD Sourcebook- four main areas include Practice & Pedagogy, (i.e. differentiated instruction) Content Area, (i.e. computer/technology) Leadership. (administration) and Specific Populations. (i.e. special education) They have 730 companies listed here.

Education Week Teacher PD Directory- extensive listing of professional development opportunities

Free Online Graduate Courses!!!- sponsored by the Annenberg Project

The Heritage Institute -continuing education for K-12 teachers

K12 Teacher Staff Development- small course listing

Knowledge Delivery Systems- list of 8 colleges offering online courses

Learning Port- over 700 resources from various organizations, including the Department of Education, NEA and Edutopia. Many are free; all list the format, duration, cost, access, certificate, (if available) video, assessment, 508 compliancy and when the course was created.

Loyola Marymount Enhancement Courses- graduate credit; one of the least expensive per credit

National Council of Teachers of English- on-demand webinars

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

Tapped In -collaborative activities, school chat sessions

Teacher Education Institute- mainly 3 credit graduate courses

Teacher Online Education- site created by teachers

Teacher's Learning Center- 1, 2, & 3 credit courses; accredited nation-wide

The Teacher Tap -free professional development resources

University of Phoenix Online - online courses; graduate credit

University of Wisconsin-Stout- online courses; graduate credit

Virtual Education- choose from a list of courses

WePapers- online study group, including free lecture notes and presentations

Wide World- developed at the Harvard Graduate School of Education