100 MEGS Free | 100MB |
ADrive | 50GB |
Amazon Cloud Drive | 5GB |
Box | 5GB |
FileDen | 1GB |
File Dropper | 5GB |
File Factory | 500GB |
File Savr | 10GB |
GoogleDocs | 1GB |
iDrive | 5GB |
MediaFire | 200MB |
Megashares | 10GB |
Megaupload | 200GB |
Memopal | 3.5GB |
Mozy | 2GB |
MyFreeFileHosting | 100MB |
OpenDrive | 5GB |
SnapDrive | 5GB |
Steekr | 1GB |
Syncplicity | 2GB |
Tilana | 2GB |
UploadingIt | 10GB |
Zerocatch | 100MB |
Znail | 50MB |
ZumoDrive | 2GB |
Friday, July 15, 2011
25 Places to Store Your Files for Free
So many choices. I have personally been using GoogleDocs because I have a Gmail account and because creating and sharing documents is so easy. Although the storage is quite small compared to many on this list, it has been more than adequate for me. (I have stored many photos as well as files.) If you are just looking for a lot of storage without the "office" elements, you might want to try Amazon Cloud Drive (holds up to 2,000 photos) or ADrive. (advertisements) File Factory stores a whopping 500GB, but here's what they say about how long a file is stored: "If a file has been downloaded at least once before the end of the first 90 day period, it will remain for another 90 days. If a file is not downloaded at all after 90 days, it will then be automatically removed." Proceed with caution.