
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Post 500 Was Sunday! So Here's 501: 11 Visual Search Engines

I missed it; my 500th post was on Sunday, and I didn't send up the fireworks. So, without further is post 501.

Google is usually the first place students and teachers turn to when they are looking for images. But there are many other ways to search the web while making the experience a visual one. Many of the searches are for images only. See if any of these interest your students:

Boolify- teaches students proper search techniques

CamFind- visual search engine for Android phones

Compfight- search for photos, either commercial or Creative Commons

Evi- search online or use the mobile app for iPhone or Android

Google Images- choose the size, color, type, usage rights and more

Guided Search (Pinterest) for iPhone and Android

InstaGrok- interactive concept map

MUFIN-  (Multi Feature Indexing Network) search 100 million Flickr images

Quintura Kids- simple search for kids

Spezify- search online or with your iPhone

TinEye Reverse Image Search- "finds out where an image came from, how it is being used, if modified versions of the image exist, or if there is a higher resolution version."