
Monday, January 21, 2013

27 Great Sites for Physics Teachers

In an effort to cover all areas of the sciences, this post for physics has been added to the Science page. (Tab at the top)  Please add your suggestions or feel free to request any future postings.

100 Amazing Videos for Teaching and Studying Physics

Amusement Park Physics- provided by the Annenberg Project

Center for History and Physics: Niels Bohr Library and Archives- history of modern physics, astronomy, and geophysics

Khan Academy Physics Videos-

NASA's Amusement Park Physics Days

Newton's Laws

The Physics of Angry Birds- neat article from Wired Magazine

The Physics of Archery

Physics Animations- 10 listed from KScience

The Physics of Baseball

Physics Central- includes a physics blog, podcasts, physics in action, physics in pictures, physics @home and much more

Physics Flash Animations- FLASH required to view

Physics Games- around 90 games here

Physics Interactive Simulations- close to 100 from the University of Colorado at Boulder

Physics Lessons, Tutorials, Help- from the Physics Zone

The Physics of Skateboarding your guide to physics on the Internet

Popular Physics Resources- from TeacherVision

Roller Coasters and Amusement Park Physics 

Science Central Physics Resources- loads of subcategories

The Titanium Physicists Podcast- "the boundary between the incomprehensible and the well explained"

50 Physics Lesson Plans for Middle School Students- from Edgalaxy
Lesson Planet Physics Lesson Plans
- by grade level

Links to Physics and Astronomy Lesson Plans -by grade level; maintained by the Experimental High Energy Physics Group at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey.

Mrs. Carder's Downloadable Physics Lesson Plans and Labs

Physics Inquiry Lesson Plans

Physics Lesson Plan Links- from the Science Spot 

TeAchnology Physics Lesson Plans