
Thursday, June 7, 2012

43 Authors for Elementary School Students

As promised, here's a listing of authors who have written books for children in grades K-6.  If you have any for me to add, please post a comment.

David Adler- Cam Jansen series, Bones and the Roller-coaster Mystery, Fraction Fun, The Babe and I
Avi- A Beginning, A Muddle and an End, Abigail Takes the Wheel
Ludwig Bemelmans- Madeline series of books
Judy Blume- Superfudge, Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing, Otherwise Known as Sheila the Great
Jan Brett- The Hat, The Mitten, Town Mouse, Country Mouse
Marc Brown- The Arthur series, the D.W. series of books 
Margaret Wise Brown- Goodnight Moon, Bunny's Noisy Book,
Eric Carle- The Very Busy Spider, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Nibble Nibble
Beverly Cleary- The Ramona series of books, The Mouse and the Motorcycle, Ralph S. Mouse
Eoin Colfer- The Legend of Spud Murphy,
Tomie dePaola- Strega Nona, Maggie and the Monster, I Love You, Sun; I Love You, Moon
Mem Fox- Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes, Possum Magic
Don Freeman- Corduroy, Earl the Squirrel, Hattie the Backstage Bat
Neil Gaiman- The Graveyard Book, The Day I Swapped My Dad for Two Goldfish
Kevin Henkes- Lily's Big Day, Owen, Chrysanthemum,
Marcia Thornton Jones- Vampires Don't Wear Polka Dots, Champ, Ratfink 
Ezra Jack Keats- My Snowy Day, Jennie's Hat, Peter's Chair
Munro Leaf- The Story of Ferdinand, Reading Can Be Fun
Lois Lowry- The Anastasia series, All About Sam
Robert McCloskey- Make Way for Ducklings, Blueberries for Sal, Lentil
A.A. Milne- Winnie the Pooh
Robert Munsch- Class Clown, Down the Drain, Smelly Socks, We Share EVERYTHING!
Laura Numeroff- If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, If You Give a Pig a Pancake, What Mommies Do Best
Mary Pope Osborne- Kate and the Beanstalk, Sleeping Bobby, The Brave Little Seamstress
Dav Pilkey- Captain Underpants
Patricia Polacco- Bun Bun Button, The Graves Family Goes Camping, Pink and Say
H.A. Ray- Curious George books
J.K. Rowling- Harry Potter series
Cynthia Rylant- Missing May, Gooseberry Park
Allen Say- Grandfather's Journey, Tree of Cranes
Maurice Sendak- Where the Wild Things Are, In the Night Kitchen
Dr. Seuss- Green Eggs and Ham, Horton Hears a Who, The Cat in the Hat
Shel Silverstein- Falling Up, Runny Babbit, Where the Sidewalk Ends, A Light in the Attic, The Giving Tree
Jerry Spinelli- Third Grade Angels, Fourth Grade Rats, I Can Be Anything!
William Steig- Shrek, Sylvester and the Magic Pebble, The Amazing Bone,
Janet Stevens- The Little Red Pen, Help Me, Mr. Mutt!, Anansi's Party Time
Kay Thompson- Eloise
Chris Van Allsburg- Jumanji, The Polar Express
Laura Ingalls Wilder- Little House on the Prairie
Margery Williams- The Velveteen Rabbit
Audrey and Don Wood- Alphabet Mystery, Blue Sky, Elbert's Bad Word, Magic Shoelaces
Jane Yolen- How Do Dinosaurs Laugh Outloud?, Pretty Princess Pig, Apple for the Teacher
Paul Zindel-  I Love My Mother, Pardon Me, You're Stepping on My Eyeballs, The Undertaker's Gone Bananas