
Monday, May 7, 2012

Ideas for the End of the School Year

It's that time of the year again! Is it just me, or are the years going by faster as we get older? Right now we are involved in AP testing for juniors and seniors, with biology testing this week as well. Then the concerts, class trips, fashion show, prom.....well, you know the drill. It is crazy here as I'm sure it is at your school. If you're looking for some great ideas on how to finish the school year, look no further. These 17 links have hundreds of ideas for you.

150+ End of the Year Activities- the Organized Classroom's blog has gathered this list from their Facebook page.

Certificates, Awards and Coupons- posting from this blog with templates to download

End of School Lessons and Teacher Resources- from HotChalk

End of School Theme Unit- from Edhelper

End of the School Year Ideas for Primary Grades

End of School Year Pinterest Board- ideas for younger children

End of the Year Technology Project Ideas- nice listing from the Port Washington School District

End of Year Activities, Printables, Lessons and Teaching Ideas- from A to Z Teacher Stuff

Five End-Of-Year Lessons- from Education World

Ideas For End of the Year Activities- from Bright Hub

Lesson Ideas and Reflection- from high school physics teacher David Andrade

School Memory Book- Enchanted Learning's activity for young children

Super Teacher Worksheets- teacher submitted ideas; covers all grades

TeacherVision's End of Year Resources- loads of resources here, including printables and slideshows

Terrific Ways to Motivate Kids at the End of the Year

Vicki Blackwell's End of the School Year- nice listing for elementary teachers

Wrap Up the School Year With a Strong Finish- Scholastic's K-6 offerings