
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

My 200th Post! Study Skills for Your Students: 58 Sites and Apps

All students need help with their study skills. Are your students aware of how to properly take notes? Some think that writing down every word will help them. Others can take notes but don't seem to be able to manage their time.I've put together a listing which will work for our 21st Century digital learners, as it includes smartphone apps. There are thousands of apps out there and it is impossible to cover all of them, so if you have a suggestion, please add to the comments below.

UPDATED 2/9/18

Easy Notecards- "Easy Notecards is a place for students and teachers to create, study, print and share interactive notecards (flashcards) for their textbooks."

Education Atlas-study skills guides for students, including general guides, test-taking guides and study skills by subject area

Effective Study Skills- written by Dr. Bob Kizlik

Effective Ways to Study Better- from

Five Lessons for Note Taking Fun-  from Education World; each is marked for the appropriate grade
Good Study Habits- from Lesson Tutor

How to Actually Enjoy Studying- terrific post from Ivy Panda which uses infographics to easily explain the studying process.

How to Improve Study Skills in Middle School- there are 7 tips on this site, as well as some helpful videos. The only annoying part is the ads which are visible (you can click "x" to close them) while you are trying to watch the videos.

How to excellent site has loads of information, including SAT study tips, good listening in class, test anxiety and taking notes in class.

How to Study Effectively- covers study skills, reading, test taking; site states "suitable for all ages"

The Learning Toolbox
- modules for students, teachers and parents; from James Madison University

Mastering Your Time- explains how to manage your time

Mondofacto- geared towards secondary to college aged students, there is help with research, writing, testing

MyNoteit- online note taking tool for students; take, edit, share notes

Notetaking Paper- generates a pdf which you can print

Note-taking Video- from Dartmouth University; runs 8.24 minutes.

Steps to Effective Textbook Reading

Study Guides and Strategies- very comprehensive listing includes Learning and Studying, Project and Time Management, Writing and Vocabulary, Thinking and Evaluation, Reading and Research and Math and Science.

Study Navigator- special search for research, including encyclopedias, thesauri, dictionaries and more

Study Skills for Students- from Education Corner; guides include Study Skills, Test-Taking and Resources By Subject.

Study Skills Guide- tips, strategies

Study Skills Help and Study Tips- this is a downloadable file

Study Tips- for secondary students; includes writing help, test-taking tips, learning information

Summarizing- information includes printable worksheets in English and Spanish

Teaching Elementary Students How to Study- from the National Committee for Research and Technology in Educational Communities

TeAchnology Resources- study skills activities, success packs and how to improve study skills

Evernote- remember everything, from to-do list to websites; create documents

Remember the Milk- task manager

Spanish Droid Flashcards Free- "Spanish Droid FlashCards has a translation dictionary, in addition to an array of flash cards with commonly used phrases, verbs, adjectives, nouns, days, weeks, colors, months, and seasons."

StudyBlue Flash Cards- for Android

StudyDroid Free- "create flashcards on your Android device or online at StudyDroid's website, and then sync them."

Vocab Builder Lite- (also $$ version) Android app helps you build vocabulary 

Evernote- remember everything, from to-do list to websites; create documents

Flash Cards- basic math problems

General English Assessment Quiz- 5,000+ multiple choice questions for GRE, TOEFL, IELTS, SAT.

Learn Spanish- ($) 256 audio lessons; also available for English, French, Italian

MathSP SAT and PSAT Math Prep

Moo Math Lite- for very young kids

NElements Free- periodic table of elements

Practice English Grammar

Solar System Q Fact Book

Student Buddy- ($) organize assignments etc.

Student Notes- for high school students; covers algebra, geometry, trigonometry, grammar, physics, biology, chemistry, etc.

Biology Exambuster: Nerves iPhone App- free download gives you a dictionary at your fingertips.

EleMints: Periodic Table-  ($)

- remember everything, from to-do list to websites; create documents

Flashcards Deluxe- this iPhone application costs $3.99 and lets you organize your flash cards into stacks. Studying was never this much fun!

Geometry Facts Flash Cards ($)

Gengo Audiocards: French

iSpeak Spanish

- a free iPhone application which offers a thesaurus with 140,000 words.

Math Quiz for all Ages- ($) from kindergarten to college

Remember the Milk- task manager