
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Anatomy Teachers: 36 Teaching Resources

Most of the resources below are intended for high school students, with a few for  middle and elementary levels.

All Systems Go!- interactive game

Anatomy Arcade- loads of games, covering all eight systems of the body.

Anatomy Flash Cards- This is a HUGE list!

Anatomy of the Human Body- "The edition of Gray’s Anatomy of the Human Body features 1,247 vibrant engravings—many in color—from the classic 1918 publication, as well as a subject index with 13,000 entries ranging from the Antrum of Highmore to the Zonule of Zinn." flash animations on immunobiology

BioDigital Human-make sure your browser is up-to-date for this site


Build a Body- drag and drop parts of the human body results from several online sources

Get Body Smart- interactive site with tutorials

Gray's Anatomy- over 12,000 entries cover everything about the human anatomy

Healthline Body Maps-3D male and female models

Heart Anatomy- interior view; many self-tests on this page.

Human Blood-introduction to its components and types; also find flash cards and crossword puzzles on the topic.

Human Body Resources for Teachers- nice listing from TeacherVision

Image Search from Google- over 9 million results!

Inner Body- choose from the 8 systems to navigate (many ads on this site)

Master Muscle List- listed in alphabetical order or by region.

Medical Animation Library- from Penn Medicine; (UPenn) over 200 video tutorials

MEDtropolis- "home of the virtual body"

Membrane Transport- animated explanation

Skull Anatomy Tutorial- includes all views and a slide show.

Think Anatomy- huge collection of all-things anatomy, including dissection videos, terminology, mnemonics, podcasts, study guides and lots more; smartphone app is available!

Anatomy: Muscular System- covers grades 7-12; links to lesson plans

Anatomy of the Brain- several lesson plans

Anatomy and Physiology Lesson Plans- includes class outlines, quizzes, handouts, images

Awesome Library's Lesson Plans

Body Tissue Lab- lesson plan complete with handouts

Human Body Lesson Plans- each system listed

Physiology and Body Systems Lesson Plans- PowerPoint and Word file downloads

Teaching the Parts of the Brain- grades 3-5

TeAchnology's Anatomy Lesson Plans- covers many grade levels

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