
Monday, March 12, 2012

Is the Flipped Classroom The Classroom of the Future? Salman Khan Thinks So

We are all familiar with the typical classroom situation where the students sit in their seats and listen to the teacher lecture about a specific topic.That's the only way I remember learning in school. When we had an extended period (block) it could be very boring. Then, during 2007, along came a new concept: the flipped classroom. Now students could work at their own pace viewing video tutorials and the teacher did not have to worry about a "one size fits all" lecture. If you are familiar with the Khan Academy, you know that when they began, their video tutorials were mainly for math. If you check the site today, you will notice the addition of Art History, Banking and Money, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Cosmology and Astronomy, Economics, Finance, History, Physics, SAT Prep, Statistics and so much more! Khan Academy would like to "create the world's totally free virtual school." Below you will find posts, articles and videos which explain the flipped classroom. Last night's interview with Sal Khan on 60 Minutes is especially interesting.

15 Schools Using Flipped Classrooms Right Now - Edudemic article

Advancing the Flip: Developments in Reverse Instruction

The Flip: Why I Love It, How I Use It- by teacher Shelly Wright

Flip your Classroom Through Reverse Instruction- an anatomy and physiology teacher's experience

The Flipped Class: Myths VS Reality -three part article

The Flipped Classroom: Can Videos Teach Our Children?

The Flipped Classroom Explained- blog post from N.J. Principal Eric Sheninger

The Flipped Classroom Model: A Full Picture- great overview of the process

Khan Academy: School of the Future

Should You Flip Your Classroom?- article from Edutopia

Flipped Classroom
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