
Monday, March 5, 2012

Cell Phones as Teaching Tools: 26 Places You'll Find Resources and Lesson Plans

Ever since cell phones became available to everyone, the issue of using them in the classroom has been debated. Some administrators have been wary of allowing them into the classroom, yet others like New Jersey principal Eric Shenenger have been very open to having them in his school. If you aren't able to have cell phones in the classroom, why not assign homework, where kids can explore its other uses? Yes, Johnny, your phone does more than text........

Cell Phones in the Classroom- slide presentation by Vicki Davis 

Cell Phones in School Pros and Cons- from Buzzle

Cell Phones: Why Not Use Them to Teach?- New York Times article

Educators Eye Cell Pones as Teaching Tools- article from Newsday

From Toy to Tool: Cell Phones in Learning- blog

Going Mobile: Debating and Using Cell Phones in School- New York Times article

How to Use Cell Phones as Learning Tools

Lift the Cell Phone Ban- article from Scholastic 

Making the Case for Cell Phones in Schools- by Cool Cat Teacher Vicki Davis

Mobile Computing at Trinity Intermediate School

Mobile Motivation: Learning with Mobile Devices- this is a terrific LiveBinder by Shelly Terrel

The Pros and Cons of Having Cell Phones in High Schools

School Gives Cell Phones as a Teaching Tool- CNN article with accompanying video

Teachers Use Cell Phones in the Classroom- article from US News and World Reports
Teaching on Mobile Devices

Tool for Learning or Distraction?- New Jersey Principal Eric Shenenger's article for the Huffington Post

Why Mobile Learning? 

Algebra: Cell Phone Plans

Bringing Cell Phones into the Classroom- lesson for grades 7-12 

Cell Phone Safety Lesson- grades 7-8

Cell Phones Lesson Plans- Lesson Planet's list of 757 ideas

Mobile Learning Lesson Plans- from Scholastic

No Phone Zone Lesson Plan- teaches students about the dangers of texting and driving

Reading Lesson Plans- from OneStop English; for elementary and upper intermediate grades

Using Cell Phones for Learning- Q and A with authors Lisa Nielson and Willyn Webb