
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

37 Websites For Teaching Kids About Money and Finance

Students today have no idea how important it is for them to learn about money and finances. They'd be surprised to find out that they could easily amass one million dollars by the time they retire if they would start investing and saving right now while they are still in high school. This type of class should be mandatory for all students, so that when they are out on their own they will understand how to balance their own checkbook, and make sound investments in the stock market. If you teach personal finance, I hope you can use some of these wonderful resources.

Awesome Island- financial education

Banking Lessons and Worksheets- covers mortgages and interest, personal savings, checking accounts and more.

Biz Kids- interactive site "where kids teach kids about money and business"

Bloomberg Business and Financial News
Budgeting 101

Check Writing, Checkbook, Checking Account Lesson Plans

Do Citigroup and Do created this site where high school students are taught about money management, personal finance, taxes, credit and budgeting.

Economic and Financial Literacy Lesson Plans- by grade level 

Fantasy Stock Market- get $100,000 in fantasy money to trade and compete against other traders. ($$)

Financial Aid- the best on the Web for information

Financial Football- online game for students to learn about managing money; interactive site

Google Finance

H.I.P. Pocket Change- interactive part of the U.S. Mint site; games, activities, puzzles, trivia

The Inflation Calculator (Consumer Price Index)

It All Adds Up-personal finance for teens; interactive site the Jump-start coalition for personal financial literacy offers the following on this site: money management basics; money math, kids, cash, plastics and you; 101 financial lessons; money management tips every college student should know.

Kids Money- money-related articles for kids; surveys about allowances etc.

Managing Money

The Mint
- "fun financial literacy activities"

Money and Finance
- video tutorials from Khan Academy

Money Games for Kids- Wall Street Journal

Money Instructor -money skills, budgeting, finance etc.

The Motley Fool

Personal Finance for Teens

Planet Orange- "helps kids, from 1st to 6th grade, learn about earning, spending, saving and investing."; interactive site

Practical Money Skills- starts at pre-school and covers all ages; site is run by VISA USA.

Printable Blank Check Register for Checkbook Practice

Rich Kid Smart Kid- covers grades K-12; interactive site

Savings Quest- interactive site

Secret Millionaires Club

Sense and Dollars
-interactive site with money games

The Stock Market Game
- your students get to "invest" $100,000; competition

Understanding the Federal Reserve- many tools include interactive resources to help students understand the Federal Reserve.

Using an ATM- lesson and worksheet

The World of Paper Money- thumbnails of paper money from countries around the globe

Young Investor- games, crossword puzzles and brainteasers are used to teach kids about investing.