
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Teaching the Gifted and Talented: 33 Websites Where You Can Find Good Resources

I wish the Internet was available to me as a kid in elementary school. In New York City, where I attended kindergarten through sixth grade, they called the gifted and talented class "SP". I remember being put into a class to learn French, but very little else. I figured out how ahead I was only when I entered junior high school in New Jersey. The French language I had studied for three years allowed me to coast through French class for the next four years. Without anymore "SP" or "G and T" classes, I unfortunately developed a lazy attitude and eventually quit taking French in eleventh grade. I guess what I'm trying to say is that it is important to nurture the gifted student, so that they can grow. I have personally seen some really smart kids turn into behavior problems because they were bored with the classwork and were not challenged enough. With today's digital learners having access to the Internet, there are more resources than ever for teachers in this area.

26 Livebinders for Gifted Teachers- by Teach a Gifted Kid blogger
ADHD and Children Who Are Gifted
Byrdseed Gifted Classroom Ideas- blog followed by 4,000 people
Characters of Intellectually Advanced Young People
The Center for Gifted Studies-
The Center for Talented Youth- for pre-collegiate students; through Johns Hopkins University
Common Myths About Gifted Students
Council for Exceptional Children
Crossover Children: LD and Gifted
Gifted But Learning Disabled: A Puzzling Paradox
Gifted Exchange-"blog about gifted children, schooling, parenting, education news and changing American education for the better."
GT Chat- Fridays at noon and 7 p.m.on Twitter; hashtag #gtchat
GT World- "on-line support community for gifted and talented individuals and those who support and nurture them."
HEROES (Higher Education, Resources and Opportunities for Exceptional Scholars)
Hoagie's Gifted Education Page- the "all things gifted"
How to Identify a Gifted Student
Mensa Games
National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) - educator links, publications, more
Professional Training for Teachers of the Gifted and Talented
Social Networking: Impacting the World of Gifted Children
Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted- site contains resources, news, programs
Teach a Gifted Kid- blog by teacher
Teaching Research Skills to Gifted Students- from the Texas Education Agency
Unwrapping the Gifted- article in Education Week
Venspired Learning- gifted teacher Krissy Venosdale
Working with Gifted and Talented Students- teaching strategies, how to spot a gifted student

41 Ways to Go Beyond the Book Report 
Edsitement- from the National Endowment for the Humanities
Gifted and Talented Education Lesson Plans
Helpful Sites for Gifted Students
Lesson Plan Resources- from Davidson Gifted
Mrs. Sunda's Gifted Teacher Resource Links
Talented and Gifted Lesson Plan- for elementary