
Friday, December 9, 2011

37 Resources for Teachers of Forensic Science

Before the TV series C.S.I., our students
didn't show a lot of interest in the field of forensic science. Now I am seeing many of our career books and true crime books circulating each school year. High schools have even added forensic science as a course, with students solving crime scenes set up by their teachers. As a forensic science teacher, you'll find loads of great information on the web sites below.


Case of the Barefoot Burglar- middle school science
C.S.I.: Classroom Science Inquiry
CSI: The Experience-virtual crime scene activity; see if you can solve the crime
Discovery Education Lesson Plans- 5 listed; for grades 6-8
Fingerprinting: A Lesson on Classification- for elementary or middle school
Five Lessons for Teaching About Mysteries- mainly K-6; one for 6-advanced
Forensics Activities- written by Nancy Clark, retired high school science teacher
Forensic Science- this site was designed by students 16-18 years old and won an honorable mention in Oracle's Thinkquest Competition
Forensic Science Lesson Plans- a Thinkquest award-winning site (honorable mention) written by teens
Murder Mystery- from Newton's Apple; student activity
The Science Spot- lesson plans and many resource links listed here; excellent list

America's Most Wanted- web site of the television series
Autopsy Files- celebrities and other not-so-famous people
Crime Scene Creatures-
Crime Library- true crime stories
Crime Spider- covers loads of information, including arson, crime scene photos and a criminal justice library.
C.S.I.- TV episodes
CSI Web Adventures- funded by the National Science Foundation, this site takes you through beginner to advanced level ca; also games and "fun stuff".
Famous Trials-from Charles Manson to O.J. Simpson
F.B.I.- government site for the Federal Bureau of Investigation
F.B.I. Kids' Page- choose your grade level and learn more about what goes on at the F.B.I.
F.B.I. Records- find out about their records and how to obtain information which has been released or not yet released.
Forensic Evidence Articles- categories include Evidence Law News, Identification Evidence, Behavioral Evidence and Biological Evidence.
Interpol- world’s largest international police organization
NOVA: Investigations Archive- videos on the Unabomber, Typhoid Mary and more.
PBS Teachers- shows which involve forensic science
The Science Spot- lesson plans and many resource links listed here; excellent list
Virtual Exhibit on Forensic Science- site has a database, timeline and interactive game.
Visible Proofs-forensic views of the body; media, exhibition images, biographies

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