
Friday, August 12, 2011

Infographics, Part II: How to Create an Infographic- 44 Places to Find Tutorials and Tools

Yesterday I posted a listing of infographics by subject area.  If you are interested in creating your own infographic for a lesson, today's posting provides sites to learn how to create an infographic and a long list of tools which will help you with your project. 

5 Unbeatable Types of Infographic and Free Tools to Create Them- Search Engine Journal has provided very useful information

10 Awesome Free Tools to Make Infographics- from; list of tutorials and program

19 Word Cloud Resources, Tips, and Tools- from Shelly Terrell's Teacher Reboot Camp

DIY Infographic Production- instructions in the form of what else, an infographic

Make Your Own Infographic- from Wild Apricot Blog

Tutorials on Making Interactive Infographics- 2 videos

AmCharts- flash and java script charts

Barchart- simple tool to use create colorful mind maps

Cacoo- create diagrams online

ChartGizmo- online chart builder

ChartGo- input your information and create your chart

ChartPart- chart generator

Chartle- simple and interactive charts

Crappy Graphs!- very easy way to make graphs

Create a Graph- from Kids' Zone; easy to use

Creately- make diagrams and flow charts

Diagrammr- create and share diagrams by writing sentences

Free Vector World Maps Collection- high resolution world map images

Gapminder Desktop- show global trends with this downloadable program; very nice!

Gliffy- online diagram and flowchart software

Google Chart Toolsgallery of interactive charts and data tools.

Google Public Data- use public data and turn it into an infographic

Gunn Map-paste in your data and create your custom world map

Hohi- online charts builder

Inkscape- Open Source vector graphic software

Lucid Chart- online diagram and flow chart

Make Sweet- create Venn diagrams

Many Eyes-create your visualization by uploading information

Mind 42- mind mapping

Pie Color- make a pie chart in 2D or 3D

Pretty Graph

SlickPlan- create sitemaps and flowcharts

Statplanet- "browser-based interactive data visualization and mapping application."

Tableau- create visualizations; download required; only Windows available

Wordle- create word clouds