
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

31 Web Sites to Teach You About Technology Integration

It's the 21st century and I'm sure your school district has been embracing technology. With budget cuts, however, can your school keep up with the need for new and updated computers? I work in Bergen County (N.J.) where we have the highest property taxes in the nation, and yet this fall I'm not sure whether or not our media center will see more computers for our students. (Thank you, Governor Christie) I know of districts where every student has their own laptop. Not where I am. Still, I try to use what we have to prepare our students for when they graduate and go out into the world. No matter what they will do in their career, whether it's an auto mechanic or a lawyer, they will need these digital skills. If you are still wary about technology, it is time to jump into the water. We don't want you and your students left behind.

 7 Ways to Increase Teacher Technology Integration in the Classroom

EdTech: Focus on K-12 Video Library- includes "The High Tech Classroom" and "IT Training"

How to Build a Technology-Based Curriculum- from Edutopia

How to Increase Tech Integration in the Classroom- written by Cheska Lorena, high school science teacher

Lesson Plans: Infuse Technology into Your Classroom- from EdTech

The Super Book of Web Tools for Educators- written by many teachers who love using technology

Teach Yourself to Teach with Tech

Teaching with Technology-wiki index covers documents, images, video and more

Tech and Learning Online- you can also subscribe (free) to their magazine

Technology Integration Best of 2010- from Education World

Technology Integration for Teachers- long list of ideas for classroom projects

Technology Integration Made Easy- from Education World

Web 2.0 Tools- my extensive listing of tools for Web 2.0

What Does Technology Integration Mean?- by Mary-Beth Hertz