
Monday, August 8, 2011

20 Web Articles and Videos Which Explain Differentiated Instruction

As a classroom teacher, you are often given students who are on different levels and have different needs. Using differentiated instruction in your class will help your students learn effectively, despite their differing abilities.

An Educator's Guide to Making Textbooks Accessible and Usable for Students with Learning Disabilities- from the Center for Applied Special Technology and LD Online (2007)

Differentiated Instruction- articles, video and links; from Reading Rockets site.

Differentiated Instruction- this site includes a scavenger hunt, lesson-unit template, sample lesson, resource links. From the Flemington-Raritan School District. (NJ)

Differentiated Instruction Allows Students to Succeed- from Edutopia

Differentiated Instruction Explained- this video was made with Xtranormal

Differentiated Instruction for Math- download the article in MS Word or as a PDF.

Differentiating Instruction: Information and Ideas for Working with Individual Differences- from; covers special education, ESL/ELL students and gifted students.

Differentiation in Action- a 6th grade math class hows differentiation in action:

Elementary School Teachers- this site covers lesson plans, templates, materials, inventory, signs, centers and web quest.

How to Plan for Differentiated Instruction- from TeAchnology; each step connects to a webpage on the site with more information.

Introduction: What is Differentiated Instruction?

Middle and High School Lesson Plans Using Differentiated Instruction- covers Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies and other areas; grades 4-12.

Teaching Tips: Differentiated Instruction- links include: activities, articles, lesson plan and more; from the

University of Missouri
What Works For Differentiated Instruction in Elementary Schools- from Edutopia