
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

38 Sites for High School Lesson Plans

Hopefully these web sites offer every high school teacher some great lesson plans
for their subject area. The links should bring you directly to the "high school" 
section. I tried to label those sites which did not offer browsing by grade level. 
Even though it's not even August yet, it's never too early to start gathering some 
great ideas. You will also notice that I just added the "high school" tab at the top
of the blog.

Cybersmart! Student Curriculum- covers cyberbullying,
Internet safety, digital citizenship

Free ESL Lessons to Download- nice listing includes Word
documents, PDFs, MP3 files

Lesson Planet- over 200,000 reviewed; can't browse by grade

Lesson Plan Central- can't browse by grade

Lesson Plan Megasearch- search (3) directories. including TeAchnology, LessonPlanz
and Virginia's site for educators

Lesson Plan Search-can't browse by grade level

Lesson Plans by Veteran Teachers- browse by subject only

McRel Lesson Plans- can't browse by grade level

TeacherPlanet- short list Lesson Plans- long list of all high school lesson plans

Teachers Network- high school ESL lessons

These Kids Mean Busine$$- for business teachers