
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

18 Almanacs with Loads of Information

One of the most popular books in the library is the Guinness Book of World Records. Did you know that it is considered an almanac?  Here's why.  According to, an almanac "is an annual publication containing a calendar for the coming year, the times of such events and phenomena as anniversaries,sunrises and sunsets, phases of the moon, tides, etc., and other statistical information and related topics". The list below represents 18 popular almanacs.

African American Almanac- history, biographies from Infoplease

Almanac Index- from Infoplease; long list from A to Z

Author and Illustrator Almanacs- from School Library Monthly

Baseball Almanac- contains a huge database of statistics, trivia, scores and reviews

The Celebrity Almanac

CIA World Fact Book- provides detailed country information

CNN Daily Almanac-daily events

Fact Monster- for younger kids

Information Please Almanac- provides several topical almanacs

The Old Farmer's Almanac

Univ. of Pennsylvania Almanac-politics, social studies, history

Weather Almanac-national and international weather forecasts; pollen count etc.

World Almanac for Kids- including inventions, games, polls

The Writers' Almanac-daily program of poetry and history