
Tuesday, March 10, 2015

James Patterson's Pledge to Help School Libraries

It's no secret that I love James Patterson's books. I can't even tell you how many of his mysteries I have read, and once he started writing for younger kids, I started ordering them for my school library. Even the kids who didn't like to read became enchanted with his stories. Series books I Funny, Witch and Wizard, Daniel X  and Maximum Ride get checked out on a regular basis.

I met James Patterson at a speaking event at Barnes and Noble, and found him to be funny and at ease with the large audience. He answered questions from us and autographed his latest book.

James Patterson has always believed that every child should be able to have access to books and how important reading is in education. His site, ReadKiddoRead offers book reviews, tips on getting your kids to read, contests to win free books and much more.

James Patterson and his son Jack

When I heard yesterday that James Patterson was pledging $1.25 million to school libraries, I started to think about how I could spruce up this 40+ year old library. (Scholastic is matching dollar-for-dollar with bonus points which can be used to purchase books for the classroom.) What would you do? Applications are being taken HERE until May 31, 2015.

Thank you so much, Mr. Patterson.