
Saturday, April 19, 2014

UPDATED: Want to Learn About Makerspaces? Here are 41 Resources

NOTE: Due to the overwhelming popularity of this post, I am adding to the list of resources. (Remember that I live in New Jersey, so you will see some NJ resources. Please share your own resources in the comments section at the bottom)

Have I peaked your interest? Do you know about #makerspaces? As you are already well-aware, technology has dramatically changed the way we live our lives, and no other teacher has seen more changes than the school media specialist or teacher-librarian. According to,  makerspaces are "community centers with tools. Makerspaces combine manufacturing equipment, community, and education for the purposes of enabling community members to design, prototype and create manufactured works that wouldn’t be possible to create with the resources available to individuals working alone." Places where students can find makerspaces include their school library, public library or local museum. provides a directory of makerspaces HERE and maker community groups HERE. Does your school have a makerspace you would like to showcase? If so, drop me an email: jgreller (AT) gmail (DOT) com.

6 Strategies for Funding a Makerspace- from Edutopia

7 Things You Should Know About Makerspaces- PDF

21st Century Learning Lab Locations- a dozen listed covering the United States

AASL Essential Links: Library Makerspaces- list of articles, books, websites

Designing a School Makerspace- from Edutopia

DIY- kids can post their creations on the site; app available HERE

Fab Labs at the Library

Instructables- "a place that lets you explore, document, and share your creations."

Libraries, Hackspaces and E-waste: how libraries can be the hub of a young maker revolution- article written by author Cory Doctorow

Library as Makerspace: Creating and Nurturing Communities of Teen Writers- from librarian Buffy Hamilton

The Library as a Makerspace- by J. Fenton of the Washington State Library

Library MakerSpaces- Pinterest board

Make- a digital magazine focusing on DIY projects with step-by-step instructions

Make to Learn- "
an effort that leverages DIY culture, digital practices, and educational research to advocate for placing making, creating, and designing at the core of educational practice."

Makercamp on Google- camp begins July 7; students can find a campsite near them HERE

Maker Education Initiative- "
mission is to create more opportunities for all young people to develop confidence, creativity, and spark an interest in science, technology, engineering, math, the arts, and learning as a whole through making."

Maker Faire- "The Greatest Show and Tell on Earth"; find Maker Faire materials LiveBinder HERE

The Maker Map- "
An online and mobile map of makerspaces in museums, retail outlets, etc. "

The Maker Movement Goes Global- article about "tinkering"

Makerspace- "creating a space for young makers and educators"; request a free makerspace playbook

Makerspace at the Newark Museum

Makerspace Educational Library Ideas- LiveBinder

Makerspaces as Classrooms: Schools and Hardware Shops Partner

The Makery- "
a pop-up Makerspace - part shop, part workshop, part exploratorium."

NJ Librarians Get $116,00 in Makerspace Grants

New Jersey Makerspace Association

Planning a Makerspace with Teens- PDF presentation

School Library Makerspaces- presentation by Leslie B. Preddy, at AASL conference in November 2013

Some Thoughts on Knowledge Production, Makerspaces and Libraries- from the Official ALA Washington Office Blog

The Space Federation- you space can join for free; "
Being a member means joining our online community, participating in events and activities, and contributing to the growth of these spaces overall by sharing your experiences and ideas."

Spark Fun- online tutorials, lessons on reading schematics and much more

Starting a #MakerEd Class for Middle School- for grades 6-7 science classes

Strengthening Communities with Makerspaces- Jeff Sturges' chat covers many questions you might have about makerspaces

Sylvia's Super Awesome Maker Show- young Sylvia offers video tutorials on 
"everything cool and worth making"

Thingiverse- "digital designs for physical objects"

Want to Start a Makerspace at School? Tips to Get Started

Worlds of Making- New Milford NJ media specialist Laura Fleming describes her school's maker space

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The Best 30 Technology and Education Podcasts

Learning doesn't always have to be visual. Podcasts can be listened to while you do other things. You can download the audio file and relax at your leisure. Here are 30 I have hand-picked for you. Please add your suggestions below after the post.

Assistive Technology: Tools in Public Schools- assistive technology specialist Chris Bugaj

Astronomy Cast- astronomy concepts covered

BAM Radio: Connecting the Voices of the Education Village

Concordia EdTech Podcast

Distillations Podcast- focuses on chemistry


The Ed Tech Crew Podcast- hosted by Darrel Branson (The ICT Guy) and Tony Richards from

The EdTech Roundup- Michael Karlin

English as a Second Language Podcast

Flipped Learning Network- hosted by Troy Cockrum

The Google Educast- hosted by Google certified teachers

Great Speeches in History Podcast- famous speeches include JFK, Reagan, Obama

The History Chicks- "
our goal is to introduce you to female characters in history, factual or fictional. An introduction, an overview and a little push to explore and learn more on your own."

House of #EdTech- NJ Social Studies teacher Christopher J. Nesi

How Stuff Works- broad range of topics

Instructional Tech Talk- tech integration assistance

ISTE Casts- produced by the International Society fro Technology in Education

LitTech- hosted by learning technologies librarian Emily Thompson and media specialist Addie Matteson

The Learning Revolution Has Begun: Are We Ready?- Steve Hargadon

Moving at the Speed of Creativity- "education, twenty-first century literacy, blended learning, technology integration, and educational leadership."

#NerdyCast- Nicholas Provenzano's podcast features smart and funny people in education

NPR Education Podcast- from National Public Radio

Practical Money Skills for Life

Spark- Nora Young

The State of Tech- bi-weekly podcast

Talks with Teachers- "inspiring stories from today's educators"

Teaching with Technology Podcast- from Cablevision's Power to Learn Initiative

Teacher Created Materials- strategies for the classroom

Tech Chicks- "Two Texas Chicks Who Love Technology and the Digital Lifestyle"

TED Talks Education- if you are familiar with TED, you know that these podcasts will be well done

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Throwback Thursday #10: Old Comic Books Covers

There are many students in my school who don't like reading but will gladly pick up a graphic novel. There are real fiction stories in the form of graphic novels, as well as classic literature. (Shakespeare) When I was growing up, you couldn't find comic books in your school library, but if a kid reads a comic book, graphic novel, magazine or a book, isn't it all the same? I believe that reading is reading, and that's why graphic novels have a place in my school library. Here's the link to the post I did in 2011, "Why I Order Graphic Novels for the Library." How many of these comic books did you read as a child?