
Friday, September 27, 2013

7 Great Activities For Native Spanish-Speaking Students

NOTE: This list can be modified (except item #4) to work with any language. I created this list because we have a large Hispanic population in my school.

1. Create a comic strip in Spanish- list of choices HERE

2. Create a Menu for a Restaurant- it doesn't matter what type of restaurant, the menu is all in Spanish; MS Word templates can be found HERE or HERE for Google Docs.

3. Create a Newspaper- students can make it a local newspaper or one from their native country; MS Word templates can be found HERE or HERE for Google Docs.

4. C.S.I.: The Experience-Web Adventures- students solve forensic cases in Spanish

5. Fakebook- recently redesigned, this looks just like Facebook; students create accounts about famous Hispanic people

Fakebook: 90 second tutorial from History Teacher on Vimeo.

6. Glogster- create a poster in Spanish about their native country

7. Pinterest- create a board of links to information about their native country

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Chrome Extension Aids the Visually Impaired

Today I was asked to work with a student who is visually impaired and introduce him to Google Apps for Education. When he explained to me that it was easier to view a website with white lettering on a black background, I went to the Chrome store to find a possible extension. I checked the "Accessibilty" category on the left side and found High Contrast. We read the description and reviews, downloaded the extension to Chrome, and opened up several websites. The student was very happy that he was now able to read without struggling. I've put together some instructions if you would like to add High Contrast to Chrome:

I set "Inverted Grayscale" as the default scheme so that my student could go from webpage to webpage without changing the settings. You will also note that you can disable and enable the extension as you desire.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Edcamp is Online!

In honor of Connected Educator Month, the Edcamp Foundation is presenting the first virtual Edcamp experience on October 25, 2013. If you have ever attended an Edcamp, (I've written about my experience here.) you already know unique the experience is. Promoted as a free "unconference" this online event will bring together everyone via the web. You can register and read more about Edcamp Online here. The video below is a great overview of Edcamp.