
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Summer's Almost Here: Why Not Take a Free Online Class?

As I've said before, free is good. That's why I've put together a listing of hundreds of class offerings via the Internet which won't cost you a penny. Some of these sites are referred to as MOOCs. (Massive Open Online Course) Check out this infographic about MOOCs.  Learn while you are sitting on a beach with your laptop and WI-FI. Hang out in your backyard hammock. Opportunities like this are all worth looking into once the school year has ended.

700 Free Online Courses- Open Culture

Carnegie Mellon University Free Courses

Coursera- professional development

Harvard Open Courses- noncredit courses offered by the Harvard Extension School

iTunes University- many colleges and universities offer free classes here; learn on your computer or iPad

M.I.T. Free Courses

Modern Lessons- technology-related, including lessons on the iPad, Pinterest, Facebook

Open Education Database (OEDb)- over 10,000 free online classes

PBS TeacherLine- now also offers self-paced classes

SkilledUp- search over 60,00 courses from 200+ providers

UC Berkeley- free classes

Udacity- three levels of classes, inlcuding these subjects: business, computer science, mathematics, physics, psychology

University of Washington