
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Let's Talk About MetaSearch Engines: See How These 15 Give You Results

The metasearch engine. My students couldn't even tell you what that means. Google is their only friend when it comes to searching. But what if someone wants to pool their results from more than one search engine? Perhaps Yahoo, AskJeeves or Bing? That's where these 15 metasearch engines come in. Perhaps my students will give them a try........

Beaucoup- 2,000+ Search Engines, Indices and Directories

Brain Boost- this is an answer engine rather than a search engine. What that means is that "Brainboost actually finds answers to your questions posed in plain English as opposed to directing you to pages that simply mention the questions.”

Dogpile- search Google, Yahoo!, MSN, Ask, images, white and yellow pages.

iTools- search the following all at once: Bing, Blekko, DuckDuckGo, AskJeeves, Google Blog Search, Google Scholar, Topics, Yahoo!, Open Directory, Wolfram Alpha PLUS people searches, Twitter searches, biographies and lots more!

Ixquick- they say they are the "world's most private search engine"

KartOO- KartOO is a metasearch engine with visual display interfaces. When you click on OK, KartOO launches the query to a set of search engines, gathers the results, compiles them and represents them in a series of interactive maps through a proprietary algorithm.

Mamma- "the mother of all search engines".

Metacrawler- search Google, Yahoo!, MSN and Ask all at once

Meta Search Engine- search over 25, including Kayak, Hulu, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter

Pandia- searches Google, Yahoo!, AlltheWeb,, Wisenut and more

qksearch- "world's only 3-in-1 search engine": clustering, blended or split search

Turboscout- "access all search engines without retyping" 

Webscout- find the net's best websites


Sunday, January 29, 2012

UPDATED: Is Dewey Done? See What These 26 Sites Have to Say and Then Decide

Ever since bookstores have been selling books, they have shelved them by subject area. When patrons go to any subject section, they can usually find the book they are looking for by the last name of the author. This includes fiction and nonfiction books. Those of us who were taught to use the Dewey Decimal System are used to using decimals for the ten nonfiction sections from 000-999. When a student asks me to find a particular book, all I need is the call number to get to the exact location of that book. How would the bookstore model do in a school library? Some elementary school librarians like the idea because nonfiction books could be easier for young kids to locate. Judge for yourself.

Adams County Libraries Shelving Dewey- Denver, Colorado school libraries

Are the Dewey Decimal System's Days Numbered?- interesting article

The Demise of the Dewey Decimal System- Canadian librarian has incorporated the bookstore model in her school library

Dewey? At This Library With a Very Different Outlook, They Don't- New York Times article about the 15-branch Maricopa County Library District in Arizona. Here's a link to the NPR broadcast about the changes.

Dewey Decimal, Redone

The Dewey Dilemma- from the Library Journal

Dewey's Not Dead

Do We Dewey?-New York Times article from 2008

Has the Dewey Decimal system Finally Outlived its Usefulness?- blog post by librarian Roger Green

Red Hawk Elementary Scraps Dewey Decimal System  for Bookstore Model

Reorganizing Non-Fiction: A Dewey Hybrid Model- from the Official Blog of the Association for Library Service for Children (ALSC)

Saying Goodbye to the Dewey Decimal System- article about five Albany public libraries

So We Ditched Dewey...What Comes Next For Our Books and Shelves?- from teacher-librarian Shannon McClintock Miller

Students Not Fazed By Dewey-less Library- Gilbert, AZ

Three Benefits of the Dewey Decimal System- from eHow

What's So Great About Dewey? 

Why I Won't Ditch Dewey- from elementary librarian Jocelyn Sams

Will 21st Century Libraries Use the Dewey Decimal System?

Will Dewey Still Do?- Massachusetts librarian airs her opinion about Dewey

Who's Killing the Dewey Decimal System?- article about the Gail Borden Public Library District in Elgin, IL

Would Your Elementary Library Work Better if You Scrapped the Dewey Decimal System?- from School Library Monthly's blog