
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Sparknotes Videos Illustrate the Classics

While assisting a teacher yesterday with videos to explain Lord of the Flies, I came across Sparknotes videos. I knew that Sparknotes offered study guides in 19 subject areas, with detailed information from biology to U.S. government and politics, but was also pleasantly surprised that they also have videos which look like the drawings in graphic novels. (Kids love those graphic novels!) With a listing of 26 videos, language arts teachers can find the classics which all students have to read at one time or another, including Of Mice and Men, Catcher in the Rye, Macbeth, Othello, Romeo and Juliet, The Scarlet Letter, 1984, Hamlet, King Lear and Julius Caesar. Here is a sample video of Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness:

Monday, October 17, 2011

Library of Congress Has So Much to Offer Teachers!

A few summers ago, I took a wonderful course called Teaching Information Literacy Using Primary Sources.Using The Library of Congress' American Memory Collection, I was exposed to an incredible amount of information, including photos, maps, journals, audio tapes and videos. The name of the course has recently changed, but the content seems to be the same and is still taught by Mary Alice Anderson. Check here if you are interested. This digital collection is constantly evolving, as new items are added all the time. The Library of Congress even has its own YouTube channel.

The teachers' section is filled with classroom materials, (lesson plans, themed resources) professional development, (online modules and more) a section on additional resources, ( slide shows from past LOC events, historic American newspapers, American Memory Timeline and more!) a blog entitled Teaching With the Library of Congress and so much more.

If you haven't checked out the Library of Congress yet, you must find time to explore this amazing resource!!

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Thousands of Science Fair Project Ideas! Find Them on These 25 Web Sites

All Science Fair Projects- this site boasts that it has "hundreds of science fair projects"; all grade levels

Discovery's Science Fair Central- everything you need to get you started

Earthquake Related Science Projects- from the US Geological Survey

IPL2 Science Fair Project Guide- step-by-step instructions

Prepare For a Science Fair- lesson plan for grades 6-8 from HotChalk

Science Fair Adventure- projects cover every category of science including mathematics and computer science

Science Fair Primer- getting started tips

Science Fair Project Ideas- from; covers grades K-12

The Science Project- ideas for 7th and 8th graders

Science Fair Project Ideas- choose from lists of easy, medium and challenging projects

Science Fair Projects- over 400 to choose from

Science Fair Resources- Science From Scientists

Science Fair Sanity- grades K-12 ideas for download

ScienceBob- this site has loads of "science stuff," and you'll find ideas, videos, research and experiments

Science Buddies- currently 1,073 ideas grouped by area of science